My family has 130 acres in this area. I've not been there since the 70's. It used to be a tree farm with pines.

Just wondering what's going on in that area. If this is part of Jamestown Field? Would anyone know what "might" be happening in the area?

I do know the family has been bombarded with letters/offers/leases from several oil & gas companies.


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James, J-W Operating applied for a proposed Haynesville unit in section 32 back in August, 2009. We are also in this township. Do you mind sharing what companies are offering leases and how much. We have been approached by Empressa and this time I am hearing anywhere from $1500.00 to $2500.00 with 25%.
Sure, I'll find all the documents and let you know. My Mother owns 1/5th interest in the 140 acre plot. I'll get the papers and let you know. I do know that the land is currently under a 3 year lease but for how much I'm not sure. Recently became interested in the property as my Mother approaches 85 and is transfering power of attorney to the older children.
The land was leased two years ago for a 3 year lease. One year remaining on that lease. Total lease for the 140 acres was $25,000.00 and 16% return on findings.

I'm quite perturbed about the setup because my Aunt, who did the lease, knows nothing, absolutely nothing about leasing, did not consult an attorney, nor anyone else in the family.

My personal thoughts about this are quite negative. We live about 75 miles away, nobody is monitoring this company leasing the property. So I suspect the worst.
Forgot to look up the company but give me a little time and I'll find out their name as well.
After looking further it's the Woodardville Field. The company is "WILL-DRILL PRODUCTION CO., INC.

They're doing 6 wells in the Hosston Formation, Reservoir B, Cotton Valley Formation, Haynesville Zone per the papers I'm reading off of.

The details are many so I'll have to look through this further. Our Family hasn't checked real closely as my Dad's Sister has been doing all the business since my Dad passed and my Mother is 85 and not following it very close.

I've decided to check up on the situation myself as there's 140 acreas and nobody watching the drillers or anyone else involved.

I'm an heir naturally so I'm concerned.
James, If you are in S32 16N 8W, then you are in the Jamestown field. I am not sure why you think it is the Woodardville Field.
I've attached pages of what I have. Let me know what you think. I'm quite new to this, researching, learning, and trying to figure out what's what. Guess I thought Woodardville Field because that was the name located on the letter mailed to landowners.

In the attachment you uploaded notice the name "Hazel R. Pott, Et Al" just above 16N 8W that's my Aunt, "et al" would be the remaining 4 in the family, one of which is my Mother. So you're quite correct as it is Jamestown Field. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

This is how we learn Landowner, talking with each other and I do appreciate your input.

My Mother has asked me to look into this and even drive to Jamestown and speak with whomever I might find to discover more info.
Map [I have 5 pages but only attaching the 1]
James, you received the notice because your land is in a section adjacent to the units being formed in Sec 6-T15N-R8W. The company forming the units is required to notified mineral owners in adjacent sections. By the way, these were unit applications rather than well applications.

As Landowner stated, your section is been unitized for the Jamestown Field so you should monitor Sonris and this website for any well activity for that field.
Thank you Les,

I've just started researching all this after my Mother [one of the owners of these 130 acres] asked me to check into it.

Back in the 60's & 70's I'd take my Grandfather to walk this plot, check the pine trees, and talk with neighbors. I've not been back since.
James, I am definitely not an expert, but I know that the first haynesville application for the Jamestown field were in Aug, 2009. This was for sec 29, 32 and 33 of 16N 8W. I am not sure about the letter you received in Oct 2008. It refers to the Woodardville field, but not sure why you guys would have received the letter. The well the letter is referring to is about 8 miles SW of section 32. Maybe some others will comment and let you know what is what. (help Earl, Earlene, Skip or Les B) you guys know how to read all this stuff.
Landowner, James received the notice in 2008 because his land is in a section adjacent to the units being formed in Sec 6-T15N-R8W. The operator is required to notify mineral owners in adjacent sections.



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