Obama says, 'I will tap our natural gas reserves'!!'I will cut taxes for 95% of Amercans'!!

Great for Shalers, that's us.
I don't know about you, but even with my Shale blessings, I am still in the lower 95%. For those of you in the top 5, so sorry....NOT.
So I know who I am going with.

What'dya think of that!

Yes We Can and WILL!

Tags: Obama, bote, election, gas, natural, taxes

Views: 436

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Anyone that votes for O'Bama is not very smart. Yes he can mezmorize a crowd when he speaks but look at his past experience> Does he have any? NO!!!!! He can talk the talk but can't walk the walk! Anyone ever wonder where he gets his money? UH, maybe radical muslim groups?
oh, now we are minerala owners,not everyday hard working people: long as yall sit around & talk,& dont get out to vote,its fine with me!!
UH, maybe radical muslim groups?

He gets his money from Grassroot supporters. $25 $50 and anything that anyone wants to contribute. He has raised Millions this way.

Obama has nothing to do with Muslums. Please read and learn before making statements that are not true.

You came to this site to learn about Mineral Rights so why not learn about politics and people involved before making statements
Personally I don't care for neither but in having to choose one I would have to go with McCain at least he has served for his country and gave 6 years of his life as a POW at least he has given something for his country already. What has this badly named want to be done for his country except try to derail what our roots , beliefs, and what our country was built from. Won't be sworn in on a bible, or cover his heart for the pledge among other things. Next he will rewrite the constitution, throw out the bible , then before we know it will have a communist government. Throw our rights away and vote for him. Not.
McCain is certainly much better that an Obama Nation!
Won't be sworn in on a bible, or cover his heart for the pledge among other things

He swore in using the bible

and He does cover his heart for the pledge.


Please check your facts before making statements about someone
I'm voiting for Obama and I think I'm pretty smart. I know we were lied to so we could go into a war. A war that OUR soldiers are dying for - civilians are dying for. But hey, Shrub got his MAN and Dick got his money. All said that's what America's all about, huh? Seems like it if you read some of these posts. Too bad....America was supposed to be about more than who has the most .... most money, most land, most royalties, etc...

Yup I'm voting for Obama. He certainly can't do any worse than what we have! It's not possible.

What has Obama done, not said, that makes you think he will know how to run this country? What kind of job has he done that would make you think he even knows how to do a days work? Activisim is not a job, it is a cause!!
first problem here is you THINK your pretty smart,second he can do alot worse, wake up and look below the surface people.
Sorry I jumped in on this subject. I will not change your mind (nor will I try) and you will not change my mind. From now on I will try to keep my comments on the subject of this website, THE HAYNESVILLE SHALE.
Of course when someone has a gun to your head it doesn't hurt either.
Your lil buddy
mmmm....so what exactly has Mac done for you?
Let's graduated in the bottom 5th of his class. I wnat someone who graduated closer to the top
Trashed at least 1 jet. I am not even going to go there.
Left his wife while she was in the hospital for a beer heiress 20 years his junior. He went for the money and the looks. Has been doing the same ever since. He will sellthis country out do fast you won't know what hit you.
Thinks the middle class is $5 million and up. That makes most of the rest of us his servants in his mind.
Thinks the economy is just fine. Last I checked the economy was in the tank. I need someone who has a clue.
I could go on and on.
I will.
Due to his age he probably can not gt life insurance, he has to self insure, if Metropolitan life won't cover him and I am not going to bet my money on him.
Alot of people were pow's, I thank them for that.
Alot of people have served our county, I thank them for that.
Just because of military service does not mean they meet my qualifications to govern this country.
I look at facts not conjecture, rumors, outright lies, and good ole boy myths.
I need new ideas, not the same old thinking by the same old group of people.

As for the totally wrong Muslim statement.
McCain is bedfellows with some doosies, so before you start trashing the non-sense, be real careful because the lies you throw out about Obama, unfortunately are actually TRUE for McCain.

It's too bad you all have not let go of that old southern garbage that you just can't seem to get past.

You better, haven't you noticed the world economy is passing you by because you are stuck in a mindset that does not fit the new world economy.
We don't live in a bubble anymore folks.

We have to compete in the world, we have to be the best. The best comes in all shapes colors and amounts of experience.

Lincoln had little experience.
Kennedy had little experience.
I can keep going.

Your arguments are so weak, it is obvious what your problem is.

Maybe the hillbilly article right was a good characterization..maybe not...but your lack of facts and logic make me wonder.

Whatever it is you think you are holding onto or going to get from having McCain itn the White House...Not gonna happen.
Fasten your seat belts>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Yes we can and WILL...get out of the way.


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