I just heard that CHK did give Arnie a deal for the group he signed for 15,250. My friend had also heard there may be some problems with the checks but I have no firm information on that. Good for those that signed and I'm happy for you. Even better for Arnie - he got rich. Am I sorry I didn't sign with him and I am now a hold out? - NOT ON YOUR LIFE. The only one who is going to reap the rewards of my acreage is me and the O&G company. Of course this is good news for the rest of us unsigned folks because I believe the bar has just been raised and perhaps those "chump change" deals will go away. So what if the lousy offers were pulled - better ones are still come.

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What Township R. S. are you referring to??
If this was addressed to me--I have 2 acres in T19 R15 S33 and 5 acres in T19 R14 S32. The 2 acres are out off Meadowood in Blanchard and the five acres off old Mooringsport Rd between 1 and 71. I am just trying to figure out what is going on over there. I really don't care who is "in bed" with who---as long as I get a fair offer and a good contract.
FYI: There are two request to unitize and force pool the section above (19-15-28) and the section below (18-15-04) one of your properties. Both of these request are being made by Goodrich Petroleum.
What does "unitize and force pool" mean?
A "unit" is a plot of land equaling 640 acres. Each of those units operate separate from each other. For the reduction of waste water wells (disposal of water used during the processing of a production well), two or more "units" can be "unitized" together. This can be both a benefit, but can also be a risk factor for the mineral owner(s). Each unit that is unitized share in the reward (and the risk) associated with the well that is worked within that unitized section(s). "Forced Pooling" is the act of including all un-leased property into each "unit". The O&G company can acquire up to 80% of the land (within the 640 acres plot) and then "force" the remanding 20% of property in order that the entire 640 acres participates in the drilling of a well(s). There are advantage and disadvantages of both situations (unitize/pooling), but with you being from out of state, I just wanted you to be aware of things happening around your land.

I am still learning things as I continue to research, but I believe this to be facts...but, might I suggest not taking my word for it, and for you to take the necessary measures to safeguard your rights.
At this time, a request for the section to be assigned as a "Unit" has not been recorded for your family's property, or any immediate surrounding sections. Until a section is assigned as a "unit", drilling operation can not begin. There are other things associated with assigning a section as a "unit", but most people are only concerned with when a well will be drilled and production begin. Of course, this could change at any time. Request are being registered daily, so it is just a matter of time before their property is assigned.

Since they signed a lease, the forced pooling issues do not apply to them.

I basically track the activities in T19-R15, since it directly involves me. If I see anything that might effect your family's property, I will try to keep you posted.
I apologize if I gave misleading information earlier. Like I stated, I mainly keep track of my immediate surroundings. Since the current well is already in productions, I missed it in my search for new permits.

When I first began researching permits, most of them were grouped together. I am now seeing sections that are not directly linked together, becoming unitized. With that, there is no way to predict what may happen in the future. But, by the increased activity around here lately, it will probably just be a matter of time.

If I am not mistaken, I believe they will need to reapply for permit of the additional well(s). I am not pro in the lease "game", I merely enjoy researching data, and share what I find along the way.

It would be wise not to take my word as fact, but treat it as a stepping stone into your own thirst for knowledge and understanding.
Just for curiosity, I checked on the well in your family's section (18-16-28). That location is in the Greenwood-Waskom field, where as I am in the Longwood field. Again, I apologize for the misleading information earlier.

I offer basic classes on the www.dnr.la.gov. and the www.sonris.com websites. You probably know a good bit but le tme know if you are interested. By the way it's free
I am a firm believer that no one can know "too much" information. Having said that, I would be interested in knowing more about your classes. I understand they are held at North Shreveport Memorial Library, but I do not know what days or times your classes are offered. Thanks.
You can get a copy of the maps on www.dnr.la.gov. Go to "Conservation", then to "Hearings" Scroll down until you see anytihng from the Londwood Field.

Did you fill out the MOI on www.northparkestates.net. They do not charge a fee and there is no obligation. Check out the site.


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