I have not leased yet. I see from my tax information that I am in Section 30. Does anybody know if there are any groups organizing in my area?


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What are the first 6 digits on your geog or account number from your tax statement? That will give the Township/Range/Sec number.
Thanks. Then I'm in Township 17, Range 15, Section 30.
Call me 780-8439
Got a question for you. Could you tell me how the oil company who wants to lease your land knows how much land you have? I own two lots. The deed only gives measurements of the second lot. The first lot is just the lot number. So there are no measurements or anything on the deed for the first lot.
I have the a copy of the survey done with my mortgage papers from 20 yrs ago. That survey shows my lot measurements. Some friends have also said they checked plat records in clerk's office. One friend was surprised to find out they own a "5 sided" property because they're on a corner. They were also surprised to find out there is a 20 ft. right of way along both streets. Hope this helps.
So the clerks office should have the plat records that have the lot measurements. I was assuming the oil company when they run the tile would check the plat and see just what you own. Hmm. I do have the house plans with the lot measurements but not sure an oil company would buy that. THanks
There have been leases signed west and south of Greenwood but I believe they are independent of a group. I am not aware of any organization at this point.
Lacy, have you been contacted by anyone? Let me know, please.
Yes, I have and I am in a neighborhood organization now.
I know I'm a little late in asking this but I have property in T17, R15, Section 31 in the Greenwood/Waskom area. I have not heard of any neighborhood association for that section. You say you are in Section 30...I wonder if you are aware of any organization negotiating for that section. Thanks
Some of us this area have been talking about forming a new group. Would you like to be contacted if we get something going?
Yes I would. I've been surprised by the lack of interest in Section 31 given the activity in Section 30. Thanks


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