Burrows GU #1H potentialed 21.037 Million cubic feet of gas from the Bossier Shale


San Augustine County

The Burrows Gas Unit Well No.1H has been completed by Common Resources L.L.C. in the Bossierville Field. The well is located 7.7 miles northwest of San Augustine with a depth of 17,374-feet. When gauged on a 27/64-inch choke, the well potentialed 21.037 million cubic feet of gas. Production is in the Bossier Shale formation.

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Common has been referencing this well in many of their recent investor presentation, but not actually naming which one it was that IP'd at 21+. Further good news for SA County and East Texas prospects in general.

21K for Bossier Shale as well. Considering that many earlier reports from the LA side of the equation have been that the Bossier is relatively less productive than Haynesville completions it is particularly nice to see another Texas well coming in at over 20MMfcd.
Haynesville completions are often filed as "Bossier" in Texas. I think it started with Penn Virginia in Carthage. What was the reservoir name in the nearby EOG wells? They said they were Haynesville in the IR
Naconiche Creek (Haynesville) ?
I was thinking of the Gammage, Hill, Pop Pop, Hassel wells in Nacogdoches. I do not know what
name was used in the RRC filing.
They were all reported on East Texas Drilling Report as Carthage, N. (Bossier Shale).
right -EOG showed one map in their IR presentation for "haynesville" and included all of their wells--gammage, hill, pop-pop and hassell acres
Eastex, the vast majority of Haynesville/Bossier Shale completions in Texas are associated with the Carthage, North (Bossier Shale) Field. This was just the original name assigned to the gas accumulation by the TRRC. There are other field names such as Bossierville (Bossier Shale), Waskom (Haynesville), Beckville (Haynesville), etc utilized in other parts of the play.
additional info to add:
12738-17236 and well head pressure 7818 #
You are sure right about the field. I wasn't paying attention while multi-tasking.
RBH, where were you able to locate the flowing pressure information?
WOW. That's great!


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