Does anyone know what the going rate per acre is for letting a company do a seismic survey of your property? Any help is greatly appreciated.



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What company came through there BB? I worked in your area in the early 80s with Seiscom Delta United. We did some accidental tresspasses while laying out the line but when they were discovered they would send me to visit the owner and get an after the fact permit. I would walk the owners around where the trespass occured and we always worked it out.
It was around the mid-70's. Can't recall the exact year. Damage wasn't major, and I made the discovery well after the fact, based on what I found. It was just the fact they did it without so much as a phone call. I'd completely forgotten about it until this most recent activity popped up. As I noted previously, CGG seems to be trying to go about their business in a proper fashion. Thanks for your interest.
Mistakes do happen. While working on the recording crew we really had a big tresspass. The recording crew is the last to come on your place. The land surveying and drilling is already done when the recording crew arrives. I had settled a couple of landowners down with an explanation that there nust be a mistake in the permitting. When the third landowner showed up and asked us what we were doing we knew something serious was wrong. We got the permit agents out there and after they looked around they found the surveyors had laid the line exactly one mile off in the next section. There was a lot of scrambling going on to fix that screw up. That was down in the Ball area.
A CGG Veritas contacted me today about conducting a 3 D sesimic survey in my area. When I asked how large a survey they were doing he said it would cover 336 sections when complete. They are doing it for 15 companies -- the only ones he could recall were Chesapeake and Petrohawk. Initially offered $15/acre, but improved it to $25/acre including prepayment of damages. The area in question is in T9n R12w. I know they have also been working T9n R13w. He did not think that they would actually survey R12w until late this year or early next.
I have it on good report by a friend who said he talked with the head office of Veritas. They said that they would give $25 per acre if they did any drilling on your property. $15 for the priviledge and $10 for damages. So much for the favored nations clause. Next question is; when are they going to get started?
Fair is $25 an acre and seattle damages after the shoot. The big buggies can really mess up your property.
Jack Blake is signing today with CGGVeritas for $25.00/acre, with a favored nations clause(if they pay any other landowners more per acre, they will have to pay me more to match the higher amount), 18 month max clause and a clause that they will repair all damages and leave land as it was found. Jack is in T10N R11W Section 23. Shell has the rig on site to drill Matthew Murray #23. Does anyone know if this well site will be a "super pad" It sure looks big and nice for only one well. The pad is close to sectrion lines.
Long live the Haynesville Shale howled Jack Blake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How far south is the 3D supposed to go?
This particular shoot stopped at the T-8-T-7 line.



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