There are allot of peple in my neighborhood that wnt to start a group. What difference does it make?

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First, the group has to have responsible leadership. Second, if you self appoint yourself as a leader, you should have the people's interest first not for your 15 minutes of fame or as a stepping stone to future endevors. As Grice states "It is not what they claim, but what they actually do, that would determine their leadership abilities". As for as my street, we have decided that even though we are small, we can each bring something to the table and intend to do so, and not rely on the the bigger, the better herd mentality. Especially, since discouragment is spreading like a wildfire. This is a one time opportunity to get it right, so I would rather take the responsibility for myself, rather than allow someone else to make a life changing decision on my behalf.
You are right, if there is not responsible leadership and the leadership is not truly concerned with the interest of all a group will quickly fail. You are also right in that this is a one time chance and needs to be done right. Even in the largest group, no major decision should be made without a vote. If you and your neighbors are this frustrated I would imagine others in the group are as well. Do not be surprised if other migrate from the disfunctional group and ask to join your street. I hope you and your neighbors build something positive in all of this. I wish you much success.
Thanks - I commend the effort you have shown for your groups. I can only imagine the time and effort you have given to the cause. You have shown to be a true leader, and I know they are very thankful.
Hello Eric , That is exactly how I feel and why I started SWAMO. When this all began it was a matter of looking out for me and mine. It still is. The only difference is how many , me and mine have turned into.

The main problem I forsee with your approach ( not to say I don't agree with it depending on your situation ) is the fact that they can step around you if need be. One street can't keep the O&G's from acting in an unfair manner.Thats just how it works.

I didn't make nor care for the rules of this play. But you must understand this before you try to play their game. It really doesn't matter how ferrosious a dog is as long as you keep him in a cage. Even if you understand this play to the maximum , you still can't change the playing pieces of the game.You have to put yourself in the best possible position that you can. Worrying about why someone started a group doesn't mean nearly as much as the contacts that you can get from the group , or see what not to do for your group.

If there isn't strong determined leadership then there will be people that don't follow through with the group.Even in the best group possible , there will be holdouts or people that have a falling out with the group. Those are people that could potentially improve your position. Don't give up yet. This thing is still a baby compaired to what it will eventually become.

History is the only correct measure that can be taken with any true certainty. If those groups are anything like ours , then that 15 minutes of fame wore of 6 months ago. If someone is totally engulfed in trying to guide something as important as this thing is , they may not have time everyday to answer the same question from 100 people. If you join a group , be sure that it is someone you trust to have the groups best interests at heart.Learn your group! Be active , not passive.Help wherever and whenever you can. They need all the good help they can get ! Of that I am sure.Study this play and the Barnett as well. Thats really the best thing we have at this time to compare it to.

If you are in a group, that is making a life changing decission for you, then you need to run for the hills ! The group should be there to put you in the best place you can possibly be to make the best decission for you and your family. Not make any decissions for you. Unless of course the group is willing to start paying all your bills for you.HA!HA!HA!
Hope this has been at least a little helpful. Good luck to you and yours.
Thanks Snakestewart,
I also appreciate your commitment to the cause. I have been to your web site.
I have been in this industry for a long time. Not as a landman or high paid executive, but as a worker. The oil and gas industry has fed my family and paid my bills. I agree that some companies sometimes use shady tactics to benefit their cause. I have even heard of eminent domain being used. One thing I would like to express is that this is not only a bonus money situation, but this is also good paying, long term jobs and a much needed boost for the economy. Granted, we have what they want, and have been blessed to be sitting on top of it, but they are the ones who have the capital to pursue it. Not all O&G Companies are mean dogs and are only here to take advantage of us. Not everyone owns a piece of land or even their mineral rights, but even they can and will benefit from this. This is not the companies first field to develop and SWAMO is not the first group of land owners they have faced. This is a two way street and their presence has and will continue to benefit us all, even if you don't like them. I'm sure some of your members make a living from them. They can be gone as fast as they arrived, I remember the 80's.
As far as my situation, I have and will continue to educate myself to make the best of this great opportunity. This site has been a great source of knowledge, thanks to you and others. I have no intentions of being pushed over or hardballed into a decision. But just like other large decisions in life, I feel that since it greatly affects me and my family, I(we) should be the ones to make it.
I wish you the best of luck with SWAMO and hope you are very successful in your lease agreements. Thanks again.
Thanks Eric , as much as I "used to" spew (haha , still working on that ), I don't dislike the O&G's at all. Even the landman is needed to get this show on the road. I do not like the way they did business in these communities early on but that is business.While I don't work O&G , many of my friends have been employed for many years just as yourself as a working man in the field and on the rigs. Without the need for, and this industry, our property wouldn't be worth anymore then it was 6 months ago. Strange how things happen. As you spoke of , many will find benefit from this play even if they don't have a stake in this directly. This will change our landscape forever.We must all strive to protect what we have be given.Whether it be family , friends or the lands we live on. Good luck to you and yours and have a great day.
Thank you for the kind words. Sometimes God puts something in front of you to do and you cannot ignore it. I can tell you for sure it has and continues to be hard work that requires lots of prayer and a fantastic group of people who are willing to help. My groups have been successful to a great degree because of who is in them. I have a group of about 6 people who have helped tremendously and 3 ladies in particular who have gone the extra mile time and again to help with organizing and processing those who could lease even after we got stuck in the 1955 lease. There are also several others who have stepped up here and there to help with pulling information from the court house, calling people, distributing information to neighborhoods, ect.
I may be the hub, the one who pulls it all together and makes sense of it and the mouth piece but the groups have been successful in large part because of many people working for a common goal and being willing to discuss and work through differences along with a lot of prayer and sweat equity. I am as thankful for them as they are for me.
Hello Rosebud , According to your post I guess that leaves me out, huh ? HAHA! Thats o.k. I am still the big boy that you used to write to.

Communication and mutual respect are fine attributes that should be sought after at all costs , but have absolutely nothing to do with signing a good verses bad lease.

When I vote for a national figure politicaly , chances are I will never meet that individual.So we wont have a mutual respect for each other nor will they ever call me. Does that mean that I should wait to see if he needs my opinion on a certain matter before I cast my vote for them ? HA! Not likely to happen. Or should I know that I have studied the situation and have already made the best decission that I could make prior to voting for this person ?

It is quite easy to speak of how something should or shouldn't be handled when using hind sight or binoculars. Some of us don't have that option and have to deal with things the best way we know how. Right or wrong , thats just how it is. You can differ all you want with me on how I deal with things. That is your God given right and I respect you for that. You think tea and crumpets are the best way to try and deal with the O&G's , I'll stake my chances on me.

I dare say that there will come a time in a lot of negotiations that someone will wish they had had a Snake type sitting beside them at the table at some time or another , even without that mutual respect thing. This ain't easy. If it was , everybody would be doing it. But the people that have thrown in with this group have one thing for sure , no matter why they joined up, they have someone sticken' his neck out for them no matter what.

You can't make everybody happy. Heck , you have acomplished quite a feat if you are completely happy with yourself ! The best thing you can do is do your best with what you got.Nothing more , nothing less. I would like to think that I have made some friends on this journey , even if I wasn't able to keep them all.But in the end , my sole purpose is to look out for the best interests for me and mine. If you call yourself a friend of Snake Stewart you are part of me and mine. If not then I will still do what I can for you. You just ain't at the top of the totem pole is all.

I am a work in progress and don't have that maturity thing down yet. It is nice to know that the age thing has nothing to do with it so there is still a chance for me to grow as an individual. Good luck and I enjoyed speaking with you again , even if it was kinda onesided.
I actually think "your" did. Good job Visa ! HA! HA! Just kidin Lisa.
I would like to respond to this if you don't mind.

I believe it is important to be a part of a group. The important thing to keep in mind is that you join and support the group that is right for you and your family.

For me the the reason for being in a group. One is that I know enough to know that I don't understand all there is to know about O&G, there are others in the group that do know more and have the connections that I don't have.

What I can bring to the group someone else may not be able to. Put us altogether and you have a positive combination.
Thank you hdm a1,
I am certainly glad you are on board with us. You have been an active well responding member and if we had 20 more just like you it would certainly make our job easier.Our group has a long way to go but we will get there.
Thanks for giving me your coments. I have friends in a rural area that joined a group and are very unhappy with progress so far. They cant get any infomration as to status of group or any progress toward signing leases. Anytime they ask about progress they are shut out by other group members. I am still torn whether to join with a group with my neighborw.



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