Major move to the south in San Augustine Co., this well is 12.1 miles southwest of San Augustine in the A. Spear, Abstract 43. Woohoo!! all you south county people!

Status # 687761
OP # 251691 - ENCANA OIL & GAS(USA) INC.
Pending Approval ,
Submitted: 11/23/2009 ,Filed: Online
New Drill 15000'
Field - Wildcat

Views: 1407

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J.R. Ewing...As large as your Southfork Ranch!! You should be looking for oil. Isn't that what you Ewings do???
I am looking for advise and not to sure where to post my question.
I own 70+/- acres of minerals in san augustine. I have been offered a lease and I am just not sure what to do.
Do I need an o/g lawyer? Abstract 142 is the location and I have been reading these blogs for a while. From reading all of your posts it seems as though the rights are worth something but I am just not sure how to find out if the offer is the best. My Granddaddy would have had fun with all of this. I do not want to mess this up.
open to any advise, and thank you.
I would ahve an atty. negotiate a lease for you. Personally, I use Rebecca Brightwell in Lufkin. She's very knowledgeable as to the going rates in your area. Just remember. Your bonus money is just that; bonus money. There are other important things to negotiate in a lease, as well. Most importantly being your royalty percentage! GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!
Thank you reallyoldguy. I am more concerned about the royalty percentage part of the lease. That is the part I know nothing about. Today I cold called a lawyer and just asked if he handled this sort of thing and he kindly said no. Then he gave me to the Same lady's name. I will Call her tomorrow. Thank you for your advice and I will take the luck!
Good Luck K!! glad you got an attorney to call. as has been said..primarily EOG leases in that survey..with 20% royalty and 25% royalty shown
You really do want good legal advice where leasing is concerned. You could be 'married' to your lease holder, and lease terms, for a VERY long time.
Rebecca works closely with most of the O/G companies. You'll find her very helpful. LUCK!
I don't know the terms but EOG has the majority of the leases in this survey. That is important to know as well in my opinion.
survey 142 --leases show to be mostly EOG Resources and with 20% royalty..and it is directly East of the new Cabot permit for the Walter #1H; definitely use an attorney
RBH: Microseismisc Inc. was out on our property, last Friday, placing access points. Im about 4000' W. of the well. Looks like they're getting ready to start fracin' the Blackstone soon.
JR Ewing: Can you elaborate at all?
That is great news reallyoldguy!!
Thanks J.R. That is good news especially since this is the southern most (did I say that right?) well in San Augustine County. Good news for us southern folks I hope. Maybe others will follow.



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