List of New Shale Wells permitted or Shale Wells with IP reported since new year started 2010--Nacogdoches County

Please use this post to report since I closed the other discussion it was getting too large. Use this post to also list infomation on new leases signed in Nacogdoches since 1/1/2010

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Appears EOG is building two new pads in the Hill Unit. The Hill #1 is holding up well, leveling off at about 7 mmcfd. This unit is adjacent to the West of the Hassell Unit that they've been drilling the heck out of (still). The Hassell #2h & #3h are completed, fracked & tied in. No word on the IP other than that they are strong. I suspect very strong. Still only one well each in the Pop-Pop Unit and the Gammage Unit that I am aware of. Mineral owners have yet to be paid (except on the Gammage) but April may be their month. I believe EOG is doing a deal with Valence, probably similar to the Sonerra deal (deep rights only) although much smaller.
j garrett--Since it appear you have some knowledge of EOG's wells, have you talked with anyone about the Walker #1H in Shelby County NE of Center I hear on grape vine it is a Bossier well and not Haynesville similiar to the Gamage, Hassel,Hill, and pop-pop and was recently frac check your sources see if they know anything. The Bossier in east texas is better than the Haynesville it appears
The Bossier & Haynesville are so closely stacked and share such similar characteristics in this area that I believe some of the "early" wells were aiming for Haynesville but ended up inadvertently being Bossier (Gammage). I'm interested in the new field rules allowing stacked laterals. I asked a drilling sup how close to one another stacked laterals could be. He held up his hands about 2 feet apart and said "about this far. It's a 6 inch bore hole". He was obviously proud of his drilling ability. I'd speculate stacked laterals would be 75-150 ft apart, based on the thickness of the combined Bossier/Haynesville stratas in a given area. EOG is my best guess as to who would try this first.
j garrett-- which if any wells has EOG drilled stacked laterals? How expensive is it?
No one to my knowledge has done a stacked in East Texas. Devon requested the field rules which approved the concept along with several other things. Stacked laterals would use separate wellbores and surface locations no further than 250 ft apart but the bore holes can basically cross one another and/or run parallel, one on top of the other. The horizontal legs have to remain within 300 ft of one another. So this rules out a grid pattern I suppose. So I guess it wouldn't necessarily increase your drilling cost. It just allows you to maximize your recoverables. The wells will be denoted as an "SL" well just as haynesville / bossier wells are denoted with an "h", like the "EOG Hill #3SL" for example.
EOG tells us the check for Hassell #1H will be in the mail April 12.
I leased land to Devon last year. The land man called me a few minutes ago to get some information about my family tree to clear up the lease. He said they were going to drill a well in a couple of months on my lease in survey A201, north east of Nacogdoches, and they had hit a barnburner just down the road. I don't know if he is blowing smoke or not.
That's interesting. That is right on the southern edge of a large Chesapeake production area. Mostly vertical Travis Peak wells. If they hit Haynesville there it would be good news. Plus, it's not far from my parents place. Go Mom & Dad!
There is a new Common Resources Unit adjacent to the north end of the Gammage Unit, right along the Attoyac. The well is the Red River 589 #1 (shouldn't it be the #1h?).

Mr Garrett, i was looking thur the info here on " Red River 589 1h" i was told that the would be sending out DO's, Monday week of Christmas. From EOG; now, Yet nothing! Could you advise me on locating any information on this Well ?  Yes-New at this!

Thank you,   Diana



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