Pelosi "God Sent Us OBAMA?" VIDEO: Obama Kids Sing for Dear Leader...

When I viewed this You Tube Video I personally found it very disturbing. When you view it I'll be interested to see what your thoughts are, both republican and democrate.
In our economic times i understand that is priority and it will soon be worked out and we will all go forward. One thing we can't afford is to make the wrong decision on November 4th. We need to be informed and ask questions no matter what party you support. These are times of great decision making not only for our new leader but for us as americans.

Since starting this discussion only a few hours ago at best, FOX NEWS has picked up this video and it is now on their main web page... go to

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Isn't that illegal? Surely you don't think McCain is going to play by the rules. Remember the bush Gore race. His daddy and got his friends on the Supreme Court to give him the presidency. I pass on checking out the Houston ghetto we have plenty right here in California. I have been to Houston many times you guys have great golf courses.
I live in Houston, please tell me where to go and check this out for myself. I will personally turn people in if this is true. Maybe you know some of the people who actually received money?
My sister just told me that her pastor encouraged the congregation to vote for Obama... He wanted to know how many members supported Obama to raise their hands and everyone raised their hands. If you life in Houston, Texas please visit a Baptist (black) church and listen to the pastor. Those guys are singing the praises of Obama instead of feeding their flock with words of wisdom, and the Love of God... Check it out please...

Visit Lyons Avenue and 5th ward as the election time grows near...
Isn't it true that churches can lose their tax free status for endorsing political candidates? If so, why aren't these pastors held accountable.
People do not want to get involve especially if it means reporting a church. You know it is happening everywhere not just in Houston, Texas. Look at Jeremiah Wright and his so-called preaching mess. He was supposed to teach his congregation about God, faith, heaven, obedience and love. Not spreading hateful and racist remarks. Religious organizations should not get involved in politics. Take Al Sharpton for example. Why continue to use the Rev., if you are not preaching a sermon on Sundays, getting involved in counseling, baptism and other important responsibilities expected from a pastor. Reverend Jessie Jackson, Reverend Al Sharpton and other Reverends out there stick to preaching to gospel and help save people’s souls and stay far away from politics. I remember being told who to vote for in a clever way. I walked into a neighbor elementary school and was walking towards the voting booth when I was stopped. The lady working there told me “if you need help let me know, just in case for example you want to vote for John Kerry or the straight democratic ticket you can do this ok?” I replied, “Ok” then I walked into the booth and closed the curtain. Once I completed my legal rights I reported her. She did not reference other presidential contenders and I have a problem with that.
McCain is a hero

.... What good has Obama done for our country lately?
You mean other than serve as a U.S. senator. And just today the FDIC raised the amount it will ensure each bank account for from $100,000 to $250,000. Guess who's idea that was? Not McCain's. It was the smart guy's.

No one is denying that McCain is a hero. I truly thank him for his service, but a hero does not a president make.
The FDIC cannot raise the this without a vote of congress, it has been porposed by both McCain andf Obama.
Well we have the vote now. And it does not change the fact that it was Obama's idea for it to be a part of this package. I may have bragged prematurely but at least it came to fruition unlike McCain bragging about the first bailout billing and then it tanked.
It is so sad to think that still in 2008 people are still so naive as to think that a black person should never, ever find anything or anyone to take PRIDE in! We take pride in our children graduating college, having grandchildren, volunteering our time to charity organizations etc. etc. as much as the next person. Are you saying that people who choose to vote for Obama are UNEDUCATED, LIVING ON GOVT. ASSISTANCE, AND THOSE RELYING ON HAND-OUTS (and sounds like no job too)? Comments like these and others made on this site is the very reason THIS NATION NEEDS CHANGE! Neither was Bush able to talk the terrorists into not attacking America! Many americans laid down their lives for their country, including my son, but are not qualified to become President...takes much more than that...and yes, education is required.
I am glad you take issue with this particular posting. I absolutely agree with you. And the saddest thing about it it appears the person who posted is Black. I think it is a terrible thing to judge and look down on people who are less fortunate than you, regardless of race.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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