I hope everyone watched GASLAND on HBO. rerunning all the time and also on demand. It's time to learn the consequences of the money you are making.

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There are people that get distorted just by waking up in the morning! I would love to have solar panels on my husband barn but I can not afford to purchase them but if Gilbert wants to buy them and put them on it's ok with me! There are pros and cons with everything we do. Drilling in the upper Louisiana state in the biggest shale ever is the answer to alot of problem we have by getting so many things from other countries. As for the gulf some people do not seem to know that at a certain point it becomes international waters so if we do not drill there some other country will. They are already contacting the people affected by the no drill law to come out to deeper waters and drill for them. It a accident happens in international waters do you people think that it will not affect us? It will take the same water currents a spread the oil just like it is now. It is just a little closer and does not have to go as far but the same thing could happen to all rigs in the waters.

Does anyone think Obama will make the Mexican government or the Cuban government and their sub-contracted Chinese government-owned and Russian drilling companies pay clean up costs if any of them have a blowout and the oil goes into U.S. waters and onto U.S. land?

Maybe he can summond them to the White House and "shake-them-down" like he did BP. Or maybe they will laugh their heads off at him.

Here is some history about the Mexican Pemex well blow out:.

The Ixtoc spill did cause Texas tourism to take a hit, however. The BLM estimated a seven to 10 percent decrease, while local officials claimed a 60 percent hit. U.S. businesses sued Mexico for more than $300 million in damages, but Mexico claimed sovereign immunity and refused to pay.

Hey Pipe,

Last I checked, this discussion was about hydraulic fracturing and the misrepresentations presented in the film Gasland.

If you want to talk about unrelated partisan politics, go ahead and open up a rant in the "political boards".

By the way, the IXTOC/Pemex disaster that you referenced happened during Carter's presidency and was capped 10 months after the initial blowout. It was, however, during Reagan's administration that the U.S. finally gave up on pursuing litigation against the Mexican government. Just pointing out that these issues tend to cross adminstrations and pose greater dilemnas than can easily pin-holed into partisan politics.
RANT-to talk in a loud, wild way;rave. loud wild speech.(webster's dictionary) hmmmm!
I don't believe gasland to be accurate but even if it was....if you own the land and you want to sell/lease the rights to drill and take a chance then that's your right. If true then it will only hurt the ones selling/leasing the rights so que sera sera.
I think that Dion has hit on the difference between many of us and Mr. Hetherwick and those like him in the Marcellus Shale Play. NW. LA. and E. TX . have a long history of exploration and production. If there were serious rampant problems involved with that development, the general public would know of it and be concerned. The generations of residents in those parishes and counties are not overly concerned in general about drilling for hydrocarbons as it has been such a part of every day life. Those lacking that experience are more likely to be stampeded by less than accurate yet scary depictions of the horrors of drilling and producing natural gas. I do not think that we value our land less, we just understand the level of risk better. It is obvious from past member discussions and replies in this thread that there are land owners on both sides of the equation. Those who fear the unknown and would forgo the economic benefits to feel safe and those who would like to receive those benefits and manage the risk.
I am constantly amazed at the horsesh*t people believe because they saw it on television.
re. "fear the unknown ..."

Might want to make sure that investors are a "known" also. Just sayin'.

by your non-reasoning, if gasland is accurate and chemicals get into streams (connected to other streams, rivers), then it will not just affect the landowner, but lots of other folks.
Apparently the head of the PA DEP is speaking out as to his portrayal in the film. He is far from an industry shill, but his treatment in the film is withering, all for the glory of Mr. Fox.

(Story posted from Philadelphia Inquirer)
This is a good thread. I just have to thank everyone for posting. Sorry I don't have anything to add except, thank you for the links and bringing truth to the misstatements put out in Gasland and the media.
Dion you've got GREAT recall and I love the way you write. Brilliant yet down to earth. You and Les both.
I so appreciate all the people who willingly and generously contribute here who know what they're talking about.
I loved the flammable tap water. The blatant disregard of the distance between natural gas and water tables. No need to explin the truth... it is more apparent in today's society people don't have the attention span for the entire story, they flip channels, land on Entertainment Tonight's expose on water bottle plastic and bagged popcorn killing you. Blindly following a cause and preaching its truth leads to only trouble. Oh, and the government is poisoning us with lead in tap water, while adding traces of anti-depressants to mellow out society. We hate natural gas. It's the devil. Oh yea, and we don't own any of the mineral rights. Bitter?


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