We have 10 acres in DeSoto (in Logansport) and wonder how to even find out what's happening. We haven't received any correspondence at all from anyone except in the very beginning from an independent landman with a rediculous offer.

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I will get that info and post it tomorrow. I really appreciate the help. Thank you!
OK, everyone here is the info on our 10 acres. Hope this is right. SE4 of the SW4 Section 31, Township 12n, Range 15W

Thanks for all the help in helping

I believe EOG has unitized Section 31. However, they have not filed any permits to drill in Sec 31.

They are very active in Section 30, however -- they began drilling a well in March 2010, and have permits filed for 3 more wells in that section.
Well that's more than we ever knew before. Thank you. Now to know what unitized means! We do have gas leases on the property with EOG so perhaps we will hear from them or someone soon.
When a company wants to drill for oil or gas, the state allows it to pool all of the lands that he will drain into what is called a "production unit." For the Haynesville Shale, with very few exceptions, production units have been drawn along section lines. In other words, all of the land (leased and unleased) in Section 31 of 12-15 is in a single production unit. The company applies to the state to form a production unit, once they have some reasonable percentage of the acreage in that section leased. The state allows "forced pooling" of these tracts into the unit. In other words, a landowner with only 10 acres has no choice in this. Forced pooling is not bad -- it is the state's way of ensuring efficient extraction of the oil or gas.

The company applies to the state to form the unit, and the state rarely declines.

I am including links to the applications for units in Sec 30 and 31 of 12-15.


Andrea, here is your unit and the four Haynesville Shale wells in Section 30.

S31-T12N-R15W, HA RA SU54 Unit, EOG, Logansport Field, DeSoto Parish

EOG, Faglie 30 #1 Well, Serial #240913, S30-T12N-R15W
EOG, Grantham 30 #1A Well, Serial #241242, S30-T12N-R15W
EOG, Grantham 30 #2A Well, Serial #241243, S30-T12N-R15W
EOG, Grantham 30 #3A Well, Serial #241638, S30-T12N-R15W


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