List of New Shale Wells permitted or Shale Wells with IP reported since new year started 2010--Nacogdoches County

Please use this post to report since I closed the other discussion it was getting too large. Use this post to also list infomation on new leases signed in Nacogdoches since 1/1/2010

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Taboot, just curios. What company made you this offer? We got an offer around San Augustine about the same day for $1500 an acre from Encana, and I think that is too low. A 31 MCFD well came in late May just eight miles west of us.
The EOG Murray well will be reported with similar numbers.
Word around Chireno is that the Murray well will report around 25Mmcfd. I might have to attach pom poms to my wheel chair...
Hey OldGuy,

You must have some pretty good spys....

Murray Gas Unit 1-H completion report filed today:

- 24.921 mmcfd
- 25/26 Choke
- 8701 flowing psia
- 10,215 Shut-In psia

I see one pimped-out wheel chair in your future...
How do you Nacogdoches people feel about yachts and truffles?
We love it!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Go CRANE Go!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Queen: In unit with the Crane? When I come back to town lunch is ON YOU!!! Congrats! By the do you feel about really old guys in 'blinged' out wheel chairs? LOL!
Don't forget to invite your nieghbors in the Y'barbo survey to the party.
I can't seem to find the earlier post regarding developmental wells for EOG's Hill Gas Unit #1, but it stated that the location was 18 miles WEST of Nacogdoches. I checked the RRC website and it appears to me that the location is EAST of Nacogdoches. Can anyone confirm? I am interested in how far west of Nacogdoches the Haynesville has been drilled or permitted to date. Any info would be appreciated.
Nacman, EOG-Hill GU is east of Nac., north of Chireno and East of FM 95.
If the Haynesville has been drilled west of Nacogdoches it was not the permitted target. To my knowledge there have not been any wells completed in the Haynesville west of Nac. and none permitted yet.
I asked a question to the group aome months ago, and never received a reply, would really appreciate any information on the A17-84 J .A. Chireno Survey, prospect "Blackjack". Thanks
Could you put the question into context, Karen? Who is the prospect supposed to belong to, for instance? The only well permits I find in the county, that have "Black" anything in the name, are all in other surveys and none are named Blackjack. If it is a lease prospect, it appears that no well permit has been filed under that name. Also, J. A. Chireno is really big so you might need to share where you are in the survey.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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