What Price Are You Getting for Gas? Last Update: March 25, 2011

Hello Everyone,


Here are the latest numbers.  If anyone else wishes to participate and provide data for my survey, please follow the instructions below.  I welcome all data.

I am now asking each respondent to provide me the following:

Section/Township/Range -- everyone (if you are in Texas, tell me your county, and the survey)

If you get your check from Chesapeake, please tell me:
Price received (before severence tax)
Does your lease entitle you to cost-free royalties?

If you get your check from one of the others,  please tell me:
Company you leased to
Company who is operating the well
Gross price
Please tell me each deduction, and the amount.
Net amount (before severence tax).  [I know, gross minus deductions ought to equal net, but I just want to make sure.]
Does your lease entitle you to cost-free royalties?

If you are WI or UMO:
Company operating the well
Gross price
Please tell me each deduction, and the amount.
Net amount (before severence tax).  [I know, gross minus deductions ought to equal net, but I just want to make sure.]

Please send me the information via GHS email.  This discussion is getting too large, and sometimes a post gets lost if I don't check in for 24 hours.  All info will be kept confidential. I will continue to post back what I learn periodically. Thanks in advance.

Tags: Are, Gas?, Getting, Price, What, You, for, payments, royalty

Views: 3698


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What about the Working interest owners? Do you have anymore of CHK pre-printed malarky for them?
I have some data from WIOs. In my next version of data that I update, I'm going to put their info on a separate page for all to see.
I appreciate it Henry. I believe that CHK has systematically shortchanged the mineral owners here in LA. I hope your efforts show whether this is the case or not.
Right now, my biggest need for data would be from people leased to Chesapeake who have cost-free royalties. I really need data. And, will everyone update me with their June prices?
LP------would you share the answer they gave you about question you posted eariler today? Thanks
I want to be fair to everyone and I understand you would want to know the answer.
The important thing is that they will answer your questions. I am a tiny speck of a landowner in the larger scheme of things and yet they treat me the same as if I owned hundreds of acres. I have had some “challenges” with them in the past, especially in the beginning, having to convince them that my property size was X when they were saying it was Z but when you have the facts on your side, it is just a matter of providing those facts. I understand that mistakes can be made. They realized their mistake and corrected it.
The same is true with my question regarding post-production costs.
LP- my lease not with CHK but similar situation since you posted the question on this thread would appreciate answer
Good Morning Everyone,

It appears that Katie McCullin has been a helpful addition to our discussion. It seems that one of our members, LP, while not wanting to go into particulars of his affairs, found satisfactory answers to his questions. So now, the burden falls on all of you CHK lessors to call CHK and discuss your gas prices, if you have questions. Have a copy of your lease nearby, so you can make the discussion specific to your situation. Make "friends" with Katie and let her know, if you think you are getting a runaround, and let her help you.

Now, having said that, I am still not convinced that all is fixed on this issue. So I still need more data for my database. It would be nice if I could get 100 people's data, rather than the 30 I have now. Please, please provide my your data. We need to continue to track this issue and get it resolved to everyone's satisfaction.
All, Take a look at your CHK lease. Does it look like the one posted below? This is a standard CHK lease that someone posted a few weeks ago. It looks identical to the one presented to me when they came calling. Without additional clauses added to Exhibit B at the end, this is probably the lease you have. What concerns me most is the "disclaimer of representations" at the bottom. It starts by saying;

Lessor acknowledges that oil and gas lease payments, including but not limited to bonus and royalty, are market sensitive and may vary depending on multiple factors and that this Lease is the product of good faith negotiations

It doesn't describe those "multiple factors". I believe we are just now finding out what they are (or at least what we think they are). The document wants the Lessor to acknowledge that the lease is a product of "good faith negotiations". It is interesting that the Lessee (CHK) doesn't make that same acknowledgement.

I have looked at a few old leases from other companies that have operated in Louisiana for years and years. I don't see dislaimers at the end like CHK has in their's. I believe CHK is taking full benefit of the verbiage in this disclaimer to do as they please. Like other members have posted, their Fiduciary responsibility is to their stockholders, not the royalty owners.
The lease language may allow Chesapeake to "legally" gyp there royalty holders. However, it is still wrong to be paying less than every other operator in the play. Chesapeake wants to be the good corporate and community citizen. Chesapeake at this point should just come clean and try to explain why their rates are lower than every other operator. I am not a Chesapeake royalty recipient so do not qualify as a "grumpy complainer", yet. But rest assured down the road when the checks start coming, if the royalty rate is less than every other operator in the play, I too will have questions, and possibly complaints for Katie.
Hey Henry,

I'm still in the waiting period on two wells, and a third one just got permitted, so I don't have any information to share at this time. I have seven leases (just signed another one) with Chesapeake, so I'm very much interested in learning how they determine the price of gas when calculating royalty payments.

Hope all is well with you and your family.

Your Desoto Parish Friend,
Linda Laffitte Whatley
Hi Linda -

As you begin receiving royalty payments and questions come up, don't hesitate to contact our Royalty Owner Contact Center at 1-877-CHK-1GAS. If you have your Royalty Owner number (which should have been given to you on your Division Orders), the Contact Center can speak to your specific leases.



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