Going-Price Paid for each Rod for a 40"pipe (maybe a 42") pipeline going through Shelby County, Texas

What is the going price paid for each rod for a 40" pipe (maybe a 42") pipeline going through Shelby County, Texas?

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hi teacher, tiger pipeline paid about 730 a rod for a fifty foot row who's putting this down?
Well if you were in Nacogdoches County, you wouldn't get much of anything. I'm talking in a condemnation hearing that is. I hear the commissioners in Shelby County are awarding some good money to the folks. I've heard $675 to $800 per rod. I've had two cross my land so far and I can tell you they do not respect you or your land. Get all you can from them because it won't be enough for what you have to put up with. The right of way means nothing to them once they get on your land. You'll find them all over the place.
my cousin got 750 a rod recently. S/W shelby. southwestern, running line for devon. very respectful and aside from weather delays got the job done quickly and moved on leaving the ROW seeded with her choice of grass.
Devon doesn't have the power of eminent domain I don't think. Totally different attitude than the transfer companies with eminent domain. There's a difference in having to "pay" for a right of way and just "taking" one.
teacher--- lots of info several prior threads on pipeline ROW-- I had discussion few months back about Energy Transfer --- type in search link this site.------ Had a 26" pipeline received $450/rod that when across San Augustine County into Shelby then cross river into Nacgodoches County across my property just west of the river. 1st offer was for $200/rod.
Hi Teacher!!!
This former principal appreciates you. Owners in Shelby are being offered $350 for, I believe, a twenty-four. I have suggested that they check prices and hold off. A large one may cross me, and I gave permission for surveying, will decide on a price after I find out the amount of rods, etc. If it is a intrastate, eminent domain could be involved. Also, we need to see WHAT they are transporting--could be salt water or gas.
was contacted by suncoast re survey for pipeline in san augustine. anyone heard of them?
Yep, I was contacted by them yesterday. They are securing a ROW for Enterprise Gathering out of Houston. 36 inch line.
Watch out for Enterprise. They used very nasty strong arm tactics in South Texas and only paid $10 / ft ( $165/rod ) for a 24". If you didn't agree, they filed suit in court. Their ROW form was totally one sided, anti-landowner.
Then they're no different than Tenaska and Enbridge. The landowner's are going to be shocked when they have to deal with these transfer pipelines that have the power of eminent domain.
$250.00 in the Martinsville area.
I would not focus on the diameter of the pipeline, as much as the width of the right-of-way.

And... as has been said on this site many times, let an attorney review the contract and provide you an addendum to protect you. As an example, the standard contract that the pipeline company sent to me said that they would have the ROW and servitude "forever." Well, my attorney quickly fixed that -- they only get the ROW and servitude for as long as the pipeline is in use, and when the use of the pipeline ends, he wrote in that they must notify me AND file a release in the courthouse. Maybe this won't happen for 100 years, but at least my great grandchildren will be notified. There were a couple of dozen things like this, some large, some nitpicky, that I got added to my contract, that were well worth a few hundred dollars.


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