EOG tested the ACLCO Unit #1H with an IP of 33.092 MMcfd on a 32/64 choke with a flowing casing pressure of 7,636 psi and a shut-in pressure of 11,015 psi

Tags: Drilling, EOG, East, Nacogdoches, Texas

Views: 705

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Oh, then you will be pleased to know that they have been drilling that well since September. It should be about finished (drilling) soon.
Are the areas outlined in blue a UNIT ? Thanks
Ellis, you must be referring to William's map. Yes, the blue outlines are units, I believe.
Be aware the blue outlines are for the original units as per the drilling permit. Additional acreage is often pooled in later. For example, the Crane ET AL Unit shows 274.4 acres in the blue outline, but it is actually an 878.268 acre unit after EOG pooling was completed.
EOG has 4 rigs drilling the blackjack area. The 4M Tall Pines and The Scoggins units both have rigs as well as two in the Hill Unit. Samson has a rig on the Sunshine Unit by Hwy 21, and XTO still has a rig on the Scorpions Unit and Exco has one to the North of the Butler Rooney. Also, EOG filed a 2nd well on the new Attoyac River Unit today. The pad is newly built and neither well has been drilled.
New well approved in Nacogdoches sweet spot the Gomez SU 1H, will be drilled by EXCO.
EOG has tested the Murray 2H with an IP of 12,375 MCF on a 26/64 choke with a flow pressure of 3,948 psi and shut in pressure of 8515. If you compare it to the Murray 1H, this one looks more like a Bossier, but that formation is not even on the formation list as it is on the 1H at the same depth. Is this the first Bossier in the south part of Nac County? Seems to me that EOG has reported some of the East Nac County wells as HS, but later changed to BS. Maybe this is the case. Am I missing something? Thanks.
I just figured it was a Bossier completion, nick. I don't know how much stock I'd put in those formation records. Murray #1H shows Eagle Ford @ 5205' and Murray #2 shows Duck Creek (?) @ 5505'.
A little research for any field named "Duck Creek" only turns up one field, in District 8A (on the other side of the state):

Duck Creek (Tannehill) field which is an Oil field discovered in Dickens County in 1957 at a depth of 4564'.

So, are they saying there is an oil bearing field in Nacogdoches Co. that appears to resemble a field on the other side of the state? Are they naming a new field? or, are they just obfuscating the presence of Eagle Ford Shale in Nacogdoches County? I don't know but it is a (somewhat) intriguing question.
jffree 1,
Back in 1965 Amoco drilled an oil well just about on top of the Murray 2H path, just south of the creek. I am not sure what happened, but it would be interesting to see what they were after and how deep they went. Back then only oil wells were being drilled in this area. I don't know how to research that Amoco well, but maybe there is some one on this site that might remember. Thanks.
There's not anything that far back on the GIS map or in permits (online). Maybe someone will remember, like you said.

Just in time for Christmas!  Exco reported the Cameron Minerals SU #1H yesterday.  I believe this one will also make Les B's "Super Well" roster with an IP of 23.857 MMcfd on a 22/64 choke and a 9507# flowing pressure.



The rigs are off the EOG 4M Tall Pines and the Scoggins units. They both drilled quickly. The Attoyac Unit has a rig, but drilling does not appear to have started due to repairs/maintenance.  Two Hill wells still have rigs. They are not drilling quickly. Apparent new XTO pipeline underway to serve the Texans and Westerners units and looks big enough to serve more.  Pads under construction as well.  Samson Blackbird has a rig, and their Sunshine well still has a rig, as does Penny Lane I think.  The Scorpions unit is being fracked (San Aug County), using a very interesting temp water line strung up and down Hwy 21 and 1196.


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