New Field Discovery Application - Manning (Bossier Sand) - Angelina County

In what could be pretty interesting news for those in Angelina County, the new issue of Texas Drilling Observer is reporting today that Range Production Co. has filed a new field discovery application with the TRRC for their Ruby Flournoy Lease in Angelina County.

They have requested a field designation for "Manning (Bossier Sand)" for their Ruby Flournoy #1 well.

Here's a link to the W-1 for that well:

Location Plat:

Tags: Angelina, Bossier, Manning, Range, Resources, Sand

Views: 2270

Replies to This Discussion

Jack, would you mind sharing what their initial offer was?

My brother and I have some land in the John D. Windham survey in Trinity County. June 2009, we leased (and many others) for 400$ per acre for deep natural gas exploration. We have not heard a word since we got out checks. Got any news?

Semper Fi,
Drew they still have time to drill a well if you signed with a three year (or longer) lease term.. The last permit filed in Trinity Co. was June last year.

There is an Indian fellow named Gumma Aguir who is sort of the father of the Deep Bossier play:


He has done really well and clearly does things in a fairly big way. He has recently put together about +100,000 acres (my estimate) in Trinity County and is drilling a 19,000' test, twinning a Shell well drilled to 18,000” in 1970. The Shell well has massive Jurassic sands, and appears to be gas charged. It looks like a multi stage vertical frack play to me. I have attached  some plats of his lease position and location of new well, which is drilling and should be @ TD in July or August. Every dot is a new lease.

This well is about 15 miles north of you but it could extend onto your lease. I think this is what all the activity in the area was about...


Bosco Ritchie ... sorry i came across this comment pretty late! But do you have any more info on the 19,000' Trinity well you mentioned on May 17, 2011?

$300.00 was their offer.
Was this lease in trinity county? was a fellow named Knowlton the lessor?

Knowlton was the lessor for mine at 400$ an acre. Can you tell me anything about him? I know that there is a drilling company in Australia who had a big play in the "Monument Project" which is the name of the gathering of the land leases.

Please let me know if you have any info.


Semper Fi,


Drew, perhaps you can call me @ 210-309-7087. I own interests adjoining your tract.




I'm pretty sure mine expires in July of next year.

Where is the Goodrich well located in Etoille? Our lease is down 226 S just before Shirley Creek, (I can't remember the road number).
Karen it is across the river in Angelina County just south of Hwy 21 & behind the camp grounds by the bridge.



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