Standard HA Decline Rates - Are they based on chokes being left at their original settings?

I notice on old well data that some operators open up chokes after only a few years where as some tighten the chokes and others leave them alone.  Are the standardized HA decline rates based on chokes being left alone or some other format? 

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Parkdota, I am down to about 150 Mcfd at the end of 30 years.  The operator will continue to produce as long as revenue exceeds incremental opex which may be a lot longer than 30 years.  Incremental opex per well may be extemely low if an operator has large numbers of producing wells in close proximity to each other.    
Incremental opex....I like that.  I would imagine with all the HA wells, CV wells, and future BO wells that a longer well life is very possible in some areas.  Sounds good to me.
Parkdota---What's an BO Well???????
Adubu - some people use BO for Bossier Shale.

Les, I guess then an operator's decline curve is projected out over a 25-30 year time frame with choke adjustments already taken in to account?   Thanks.

Just by looking at some well data on RRC website, it looks as though many HA wells with initial production at very high levels have dropped to less than 20% of their original production in less than 1 year.  Would this decline be expected to continue or level off and does anyone have any thoughts about when it should level off?  Is the life of the HA wells still expected to be around 20 years?  I've read where it might significantly less.  Thanks to all you with great knowledge on these things!

SN, see the attached for two example decline curves.  The decline rate is very high in the intial year and should decrease over time stabilizing at a much lower decline rate.  Most operators are projecting a production life of 30+ years for Haynesville/Bossier Shale wells. 
Thanks Les B.  That's helpful.

Thanks for posting this example HS Well Decline Curve.  Do you have anything similar for the horizontal CV wells? 

Diana, unfortunately no.
I haven't overly studied the decline of CV wells but I saw one this week per Sonris in the Holly Field of Desoto Parish that was going on 40 years of production.  If I get time I might run some numbers.

I should have said LCV.  The decline rate is very interesting to me on some of these wells.  Here are some specific examples to look at:

237344 (LCV)

238382 (LCV)

240080 (LCV)

235780 (CV) 

Thanks, Diana



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