Does anyone have any news regarding the activities of the SCC? The SCC website is static. It hasn't changed since the day it was created in August. I live in R13 T17, section 19 (pretty sure of that) and have not yet been approached by any gas companies, even back when leasing was active. It would be good to know which companies they've had talks with, and how those negotiations are (were) going.

Our neighborhood associations covering this area joined the SCC in August and we turned in our non-binding agreement to allow SCC to negotiate on our behalf, but have heard little since then.

Tags: SCC, leasing

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Same here. Wish we would hear something - anything - from the ShreveCentre Coalition.
SCC is leaving that up to our individual HOA's and neighborhood associations. Our associations are supposed to be getting the word to us. If indeed the SCC is nonprofit, they MUST keep a record of their decisions, and that must be available to members. HOWEVER, this is where it gets tricky ... are the home/landowners the members, or are the designated representatives the members. I've looked at the by-laws link, and it states that the representatives (board members from groups) are the SCC members. If that is so, those reps should be able to get a copy of the SCC minutes. Check the Sec. of State's website under corporations to see whether they've registered as a non-profit of LLC.
Thanks for the information. I'll look into their non-profit status.



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