A happy day for America A sad Day for Democracy and Capitalism

I know this will probably get deleted and My Profile may also but here you go. Today was a triumph for some and a slap in the face for others. I am so sad that america has chosen this path that are for fathers faught so hard to protect. We have been lied to as american people. Democracy and capitalsim must come to an end. This may not be the end but a chapter in the book of History of this great nation. My Faith is in god, that he will not unleash anything we cant handle. This is the tourning point of what many of us know as normal. America is about to experience change, change that many of us want and many us dont. I dont understand the change, and I think none of us do. There is an empty spot inside of me with today with questions spinning around it. I just dont understand america, I just dont understand. He told you it was about to change, every time you read his name it was "CHANGE". I can promise you one thing, you may not like the change but he was honest, it will change! Yesterday is history as tomorrow is our future and our future will Change. God bless this great country, God Bless Democracy, God Bless Capitalism, God Bless Americam, God bless Barack Hussein Obama, God bless us all.

Bill G

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First you nust learn how to spell REVERNED Wright? So what about the man? Have you ever been to a black church? Before you speak down about a religion why don't you go to one of the black churches in your own community and see how black preachers preach. You live in north Louisiana and that area has a very long and sad history of burninig black churches. Please come back and tell me what he preached about. Have you heard Rev. Wright entire sermon?
Before you criticize anyone's spelling, please re-read your post.
Thank you Ann
First, as long as you get my point don't worry about my spellling! And anyway you spelled (must) wrong.
Aren't you suppose to be the smart one, I think I would have used spelled check first before I talk about other people's spelling.

You need to stop bringing race into everything that's all your post talk about don't they. You know what's funny is if you could see what I do everyday you would realize just how stupid your post is.
I know the history of North Louisiana better than you'll ever know. Don't come on here and play the race card because i'm not going to let you do it. And you know what I have been in a Black church.
Please do not put me in your "north Louisiana and that area has a very long and sad history of burninig black churches". I AM CHOCTAW-APACHE and belong to the CHOCTAW-APACHE TRIBE OF LOUISIANA

The Choctaw-Apache Tribe is located in Northwestern Louisiana on the banks of the Toledo Bend Reservoir. We are twenty-one families, most of whom have lived in the area since the early 1720's. We maintain a tribal office west of the town of Zwolle, and host an annual traditional powwow the first weekend in May of each year.

Historically, thirteen of our families were associated with the mission and presidio of Los Adaes which was located some thirty miles to our east. After being forced by the Spanish crown to move from Los Adaes to San Antonio in 1778, the families made their way back as close as east Texas and resettled the abandoned mission at Nacogdoches. It was only a matter of time before those families and eight others resettled their ancestral lands on the east side of the Sabine River in what was to become Sabine Parish between 1835 and 1870.

Today, there are 1100 enrolled members who still live within a fifteen square mile area that has been home to many since before first European contact in the 1720's. Across the country, another 1600 non-resident members live from coast to coast and from border to border.

If anyone should be angry it should be the American Indians. DORCHEATED, I just could not help myself in responding....
There is a picture I have in my workspace that says, "Homeland Security, Fighting Terrorism since 1492, Ask the Indians what happens when you don't control immigration."

Rose you and every other indigenous people to this land should have a louder voice than you do. The Indians were treated far worse by their 'illegals' than we are by ours.

If you don't mind me prying; Are your lands subject to typical gerrymandering found elsewhere? Is there a book or website where one might read more about your Tribe?
Well I would think a Muslim terrorist sympathizer wouldn't have a man of Jewish faith as his Chief of Staff. They mix like oil and water. Even more so when the Jewish Chief of Staff was a volunteer in the Israeli army.

His Preacher? *shrug* A man's religion is his own business not mine. So his religious consul made some outlandish comments. I would be willing to bet all of us have associated with someone that is a bit rough around the edges.
No, intrepid, Obama is a Christian American who excelled in one of the world's top-ranked law schools. Afterwards, rather than working for a high-paying law firm, he worked in poor Chicago neighborhoods to assist the impoverished. Later, he taught Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago.

George 'W." Bush, on the other hand, has been a weapon of mass destruction. He has spent hundreds of billions of dollars to wage a war on a country that had nothing to do with 9-11. In other words, Bush terrorized Iraq and he raided our tax dollars in order to finance it. He has run up an enormous deficit that increasingly threatens our economy to pay for the Iraqi occupation. He has delivered American soldiers into the hands of her enemies. When other leaders have waged wrongful wars they have been tried for war crimes, crimes against humanity, etc. Slobodan Milosovic was found guilty of war crimes in Bosnia and was imprisoned. Bush, however, has gone scott free. Now is that fair? No, it's not.

Bush spent tax dollars to start the war in Iraq that some conservatives had recommended before 9-11 had even happened. That is, some Americans wanted to invade Iraq even before Bush started making up reasons falsely related to 9-11 to do it. The costs of the war have consumed dollars that could have been spent upgrading the security systems here in the U.S. that the 911 Commission recommended in order to make us less vulnerable to terrorist attacks.

As a result of the above mentioned Bush policies, I believe "W." has unwittingly delivered some of America into the hands of her enemies. That is why I am glad to see a different type of leader elected as President. Obama is a much deeper thinker than Bush. As such, he attempts to unite people rather than divide them. While Bush's policies are like trying to extinguish fires by pouring gasoline on them, Obama's approach is more akin to decreasing the sources of tension that fuel a conflict.
So, I think Obama is looking for the chance to deliver America OUT of the hands of her enemies.
Hello CleanerEnergy,
I certainly hope that President-Elect Obama is a thinker when he swears in. At least moreso then some of his supporters.

Every time you see a clip of a room full of kids swaying back and forth chanting mantras to allah swearing to wipe out all infideles, you are looking at a room full of baby terroristes. Weapons of mass destruction if you will who one day may strap on a booksack bomb and blow up a wedding party.Not fully developed yet but well on their way.
What did Sadam gas all of those people with........Fabreez ? Lets not forget about boiling his own son in law in oil. Humanitarian of the year ? NO , dictator that encouraged terrorist activity when he wasnt personally involved himself.

I agree with the high costs of the war tho. Do you feel that an "A" bomb right in the middle of Bahgdad would have saved us a ton of money and a lot of lives for us ? I do, but this country doesnt have the stomach for war anymore, except against the Bill of Rights. Weaving in and out of the landscape just trying to kill hostiles is time consuming and expensive. Not to mention dangerous as all get out for our boys and girls in uniform.

As for the Team Obama talking points, I believe you may be a tad bit early. Lets at least wait until he swears in and takes office before we crown him King Wonderful. With all of the stuff swirling around about the auto industry bailout he is leaning toward, we may find out that his platform isnt about Change as much as it is about Change his mind. Lets hope that his platform wasnt a bunch of BS just to get elected.You know, just like everyday politics and all. Have a good day.
If Obama tries to sit down and discuss these issues with these terrorist nations it will be bad. These guys understand one thing and one thing only. A good ole fashion Butt Kicking! Snake is rite we don't have the guts to do what it takes anymore. When we dropped those nuclear bombs on Hiroshima you don't think innocent women and children were killed? War is a horrible thing but its why your able to be on this computer voicing your opinion like you are. Before you go saying how great this guy is and pointing fingers at bush you better wait to he gets in the hot seat. If this guy isn't tied in with these terrorist already and sits down and tries to have a chat with them its going to get ugly, Quick, and you along with everyone else that believe our troops are just "air raving villages full of innocent women and children" Got another thing coming. When your kid is the one on Fire, burning to death before your eyes, you will be ready to fight. These enemies are far more hateful then any one we have faced before. These terrorist groups will kill anyone and anything that gets in there way.

Has anybody seen this? I didn't know what the story was or if what he was saying about Obama was true, but if anybody has heard anything about it I would like some feedback. If what he is saying is true what happens next? Can they take the presidency away from him?
Old news, unfortunately. The lawsuit got thrown out. I think the court said the guy had no standing to bring the suit. Then the Gov of HI sealed the birth records. Can't see anyone "proving" anything at this point.


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