Can anyone tell me what it means when you look on sonris and key in your info when it says a well is and 001alt and 002 alt?  I am getting checks from eog on faglie but not on the grantham wells.  It has been months since they finished  those two wells and each month we think we will get something but have not yet.  Thanks for any help.

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The first well drilled in a unit is "the unit well".  All subsequent wells drilled are "alternate unit wells".  Alt-1 is the second and Alt-2 would be the third well drilled in the same unit.

how does that work in regards to royalty payments?  The first well has been paying out since Dec. 2011.  The alt 1 and alt 2 wells have been completed for several months now.

I have a second question.  We you go, how can you tell if the well is a haynesvilleshale well or just a reg. well:?


All mineral interests within a drilling and production unit receive royalty from all wells drilled in that unit based on the same decimal interest as the original well.  In the wells listed by section and township on SONRIS Lite, Haynesville wells stand out quite easily as they are all relatively new, meaning they are at or near the bottom of all the wells listed in a section, and they are so much deeper than any wells that may have been drilled previously.  If the well is in a unit, the first part of the well name will be HA RA SUA for example.  This stands for Haynesville Zone, Reservoir A, Sand Unit A.  Within a field all units will have a similar designation.  Additionally almost all Haynesville Shale wells have an 'H" at the end of their name denoting that the well is horizontal.

Thank you for the information.

I believe you may be receiving payment for all three wells, but cannot say for sure without reviewing your royalty statement. The two alternate wells were completed and turned to sales together and production for all three wells are being noted under a LUW code. Therefore, I believe all three wells production rates are being combined and you are receiving royalty on all three at this time.

The production reported on SONRIS Lite lumps production from all unit wells together but the royalty statement will list all the wells the lessee is paying the lessor on including those in formations and zones other than the Haynesville.

Thanks for your info.




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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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