Interesting to see that there will be a 22,000 ft well
to spud soon in Jefferson County exploring Haynesville Shale.

See Mainland Resourses----any comments??????

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Thanks Joe for taking the time to resond. I'm anxiously awaiting news of funding the completion of the well and a serious pop in the value of MNLU/


Mike Newport says that investment banks are more interested in oil plays, and are sitting on their hands until Washington & the markets become stable. They have had offers, but thought that the banks wanted too much in return. They are still shopping around and they are also having talks with a Japanese Investment Firm Interested in finding sources of dry gas after Japan's Nuclear crisis. 


These claims were made a few weeks ago by an individual investor on another website and have not been verified. There is an ongoing discussion about the well that I loosely monitor on i-hub.

I have it on good information that this well is still under water from the great flood of 2011, and still shut in.


I hope Mainland has the cash to wait it out.

Can you send the web address for the sat image. It appears as a static image from your link. Also, it doesn't look like there's any flooding in this pic.



Tis image is dated October 8, 2005. Are you sure its the Mainland well?

Your well is located in Section 9. The mainland well is in Section 23. These are irregular sections.


I know for a fact there is 1-2 feet of water still on location.


This aeriel photo os from 2006

yep...that looks better. My maps show the other older wells (green) in the same spots.

I have a map that shows all of the wells in the area going back to the 60s. The burkley phillips well is very close to the spot shown on the I assume that's it. Even if it isn't (because of the map dated above), it's within sight of it based on my data.


The only thing I don't get is.....I don't believe there was any activity in that area in 2005 that would make that image look so active.

I'm sorry but I don't know exactly where the Burkley well is located. Can anyone try checking the NOAA website or US Corps of Eng'rs site for a recent sattelite image that might show flood water on the site. I don't know where to look on the images for the site.
Carmen. I know that this site is underwater but draining fast. It will be extremly soggy for at least another few weeks once all wate ris drained off.
So, funding or not, the BIG GUY UPSTAIRS has us shut down temporarily. Is there any concerns that the well could be damaged by the flood water?? Is there anything that is normally done to minimize these problems in the build earth dikes....wouldn't take much work if it would help.

No, they would have shut in the well before flooding. Its a pretty common occurance. Sometimes if the well is productive the location will be built up. This whole part of the state is very low and floods often. Its  not really a big deal, sometimes you just have to shut in and wait.


Its also why i won't take a lease in that kind of country without force majuere provisions



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