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$$$$$ Your Area & Your Lease offers As of July 14th $$$$$$ moving froward

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Have any of the folks in Bossier contact Petrowhawk or XTO? Is Chesapeake the only one offering anything in Bossier?
Hi Kassi, I sent an email to both and did get a call back from XTO who told me that they are not working this area now but are looking at possibly for the near future. I told him that I would tell my neighbors that and to just hold on. He said to go ahead and tell them that.
Read my post about being ripped off before you contact Encana.
The offers locally have already gone as high as 16,500 an acre for neighborhood tracts. We have got to stick together. I was at meeting Sunday night the 13th, and it looked like an old salesman supervising a young salesman. The TwinCities representatives were using classic psychological techniques to paint a picture of a closing door...This door is opening, not closing. I hope that all who are reading and posting here will find 5 others who are not, and get them paying attention. We can pay attention now, or pay the O&G companies for the rest of our lives by accepting too little and watching them grow fat on the bounty of the land under our own houses.
Linda, Taylor, and Haughton Area,
I too live in the area and attended the Love Chapel meeting. What were your thoughts? I am not too happy about the 4% of my bonus "catch" to the deal. It was stated that a 100 acres were already committed from sections 11&12 prior to this meeting. At $10k/acre they would already be looking at $40k. How much are attorney fees to look at one contract? This is only a small percentage of the 1280 acres combined in these sections which tells me to hold out or group with others that are not paying this 4%???? The O&G companies have already leased in our area with some so would this not mean that our area at some point will go active and thereby our minerals increase in value and be more aggressively pursued at a higher rate?
This is so early in the play that I feel many are jumping in way too soon and over the next 6-12 months bonuses here will be exactly like what Barnett Shale owners have come to expect. I only want a fair price for what I rightfully own. This isn't my SUV that I'm trying to sell, after all, this has real value.
Linda - We are in 18-18N -11W- What section are yall in ?
The Stockwell area neighborhoods are working on uniting at this time. We have a landman that is representing us who lives in the neighborhood for no fee. If you are interested please email
There must be another Stockwell/Carriage Oaks area group. I went to the meeting last night and there must have been 500 people or more. Most of us have elected to be represented by a geologist by the name of G.E. "Jerry" Merrill. Yes, he is asking for a small fee but I expect to get more than that back in protection and money. You can contact him at

Nobody has to follow what their association or neighbor is doing. Do what is best for you personally but joining a group of some kind sounds like the best option for increased protection and dollars.
What one person calls a "small fee" may not be "small" to another. If he makes a 1000 acre deal at 20,000/acre and takes 4%, that is $800,000. That seems like a lot of money to talk to a few oil companies and have a legal document drawn up, and maybe pay some administrative help to take care of the paperwork with the homeowners. Maybe there is more to it than meets the eye? Maybe too each homeowner the amount doesn't seem unreasonable, but when you look at the aggregrate amount involved, it seems outlandish.

I did hear this morning about a group that negotiated a deal for several homeowners in an area and they are charging 4%, another group in the same area of town is charging nothing and they negotiated 1000k more then the paid negotiator. I am not sure how skilled a lot of these negotiators are.
4% is not all that high. Hmm HAve you ever thought of trying to lease with the oil companys and charge 4%. EVERYONE has the same rights to go out and be productive. Why complain about people who prosper because they have the smarts and the drive to do it.
It is well worth the 1% Jerry is getting for handleing your lease I can honestly say that it saves a person alot of headaches and mistakes when you have experience backing you up yes he's gona make a wheelbarral full of $$$ but heck I think it's worth it and I don't think he's making too much it is protection when you consider what you may sign and don't know you signed that Years later.... I've read so many stories on this site of people making mistakes and theres little recourse now.... having this type of representation is just a smart choice Jerry really likes to have people with 100 acres or more in one area He did not wish to be exposed on any site it is understandable he is overwealmed by all the work involved with what he is currently undertaking....Of course this site dos'nt allow for half truths everyone wants to know and I agree with that 100%



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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