A happy day for America A sad Day for Democracy and Capitalism

I know this will probably get deleted and My Profile may also but here you go. Today was a triumph for some and a slap in the face for others. I am so sad that america has chosen this path that are for fathers faught so hard to protect. We have been lied to as american people. Democracy and capitalsim must come to an end. This may not be the end but a chapter in the book of History of this great nation. My Faith is in god, that he will not unleash anything we cant handle. This is the tourning point of what many of us know as normal. America is about to experience change, change that many of us want and many us dont. I dont understand the change, and I think none of us do. There is an empty spot inside of me with today with questions spinning around it. I just dont understand america, I just dont understand. He told you it was about to change, every time you read his name it was "CHANGE". I can promise you one thing, you may not like the change but he was honest, it will change! Yesterday is history as tomorrow is our future and our future will Change. God bless this great country, God Bless Democracy, God Bless Capitalism, God Bless Americam, God bless Barack Hussein Obama, God bless us all.

Bill G

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We all owe a great debt to both our forefathers and now, in this age, to the ladies and gentlemen overseas right now and to the National Guard and others here in our country who have fought and continue to fight for our freedoms. We have no idea this side of heaven how many lives have been SAVED by the commitment to fight. Maybe yours -- maybe my own -- maybe those lives of our children or grandchildren. Get real. I wholeheartedly commend McCain for standing up for his country in yet another unpopular war in Viet Nam. I see nothing of servcie or patriotism in Obama. Sometimes war is needed and I support our fight over there and only wish that I was young enough to get up and go help. We just neglected to elect someone as President who had the requisite experience and has proven his love for and commitment to our country and instead elected someone who pals around with terrorists, who never chose to serve his country in the military, who wants to "distribute the wealth" and wants to sit down and "talk" with with a fanatical Muslim leader who wants to wipe us and Israel off the face of the earth and made a great slip of the tongue when he said "my Muslim faith". Time will show that Bush, for all his failures and he is a human who has born more in these last few years than most presidents see in forty years, did an outstanding job. We, as a nation, have made a mistake and unless someone can come up and show this socialist "my muslim faith" guy was not born on American soil, we have bought the ticket and now much ride the train. I say again... God have mercy on us all for what we have done as a nation.
As the father of am active duty Soldier and veteran I will offer this. Our great Country has been built on the blood of Soldiers fighting for things of less importance than our fight on Terrorism. The thing about our Soldiers today is that they volunteered, they knew what was going on when they raised their hands and took the oath. While I dont believe the Political line of why we are in Iraq I do understand that much like LBJ, the war on terror is now Obama's and what he does will have more impact on our Country than the fact that he is president. And by the way, my son spent 15 months walking the streets of Baghdad and he says that what they were doing is important. I believe my son as he has been there and seen the reality of this war. He lost friends and probably a lot of his youthfull innocence but he is also a small sampling of what will continue to make our Country great. Of course those 4000 families could of have been eating Thanksgiving dinner after praying to Allah if we had not fought. Or maybe the new Thanksgiving would have been celebrated on September 11th,
Eric, I agree with you comments. And, I want to personally thank you and your son for serving our country, and helping to keep us all safe. Thank you so much for the scarificies you have both made. May God Bless you and your family.
I apologize Eric, I did not read it all the way through untill now please thank you and your family for there service to this country and MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA.
Thank you and your son. Thank you for bringing him up with the values and courage to do what he has done. I thank you and pray God will bless your entire family. Thank you also for having the courage to stand up to those who have said things that ought not to have been said.
Iraq didn't attack us on 9-11. That country posed no threat whatsoever. None of us would be praying to Allah (the same God as ours by the way; there is only one), if it were not for the Iraq war. That is a completely irrational conclusion to draw from what has happened with this war. The Iraq war is being fought for money. At least $1 billion/day of tax money going to defense contractors. Our nation has been weakened by this war, not strengthened, not safeguarded. We have fought the war in Iraq to the detriment of our fight against Al Quaida.
Where is his experience?
My Friends, he will need our support, but he will need our direction also. If he strays off course now it doesnt cost him political defeate it could cost him lives. He is our leader now and we must govern him, the constitution was written for the people to govern the government not the government govern their selfs. I will give him a chance, I have no choice but we shall never miss a chance to vote for something we believe in in the future we must continue to Fight for our constitution and our beliefs and our democracy, fight for capitolism. Support him but govern him, he works for we, WE THE PEOPLE, and we must not let him forget. Freedom of Speech is a great and powerful tool it is in that which our nation is so great, we must keep that right and every right with it. Up hold our new leader to all responsibility. We the people govern this body he just works for us, Remember that my friends remember that....VOTE VOTE VOTE...every chance you get, speek your mind everychance you get were all different but we all love this country in our own way.
Yes you are right, but I can tell you right now, this grandmother would LOVE to give him DIRECTIONS to IRAN, IRAQ, SYRIA AND OTHER POINTS OF INTEREST IN THAT AREA.
Continue to Vote, Continue to stand up for what you believe in, continue to support our Constitution......Fight for what our forfathers gave us, bled for us...Stand up and Fight. Support Him Obama but Guide Him, do not let him take this great nation off of its path. He is what we have now and we must keep him on course 50+ million people believe in what I am telling you guys. Its not the end of the world but we must continue to fight for Democracy. Dont raise your white flag....get out and Vote. Vote for your conservative beliefs, Vote for what this country was founded on, Never miss the great opportunity to Vote. GOD BLESS AMERICA
Bill G, great words. Now we must get on with the business at hand. Maybe the election didn't go as many of us would have liked, but the most important thing to remember is WE WERE FREE TO VOTE. We awoke this morning not having heard of rioting and wide spread bloodshed that occurred after the election. How many other countries can say the same. We are a blessed nation and we must continue to be worthy of God's bounties. It is our task to now make sure that the new leader elect of our country remembers that a blessing that is given is a blessing that can be taken away. (mineral leases!) If we received everything that we deserved, both as a nation and as a people, we would be in worse condition than any of the third world countries are in today. God Bless you and yours.


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