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$$$$$ Your Area & Your Lease offers As of July 14th $$$$$$ moving froward

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I was offered 2000 by devon and in Blanchard I dont know how much but there are leasing there
hey shalelover how far noth do you live and is that where petrohawk offered you the blank contract??

i live 1 mile west of mooringsport and caddo lake is across the street from me, i went to the blanchard meeting a couple of weeks ago and they told me they were not interested in coming the far north and i also talked with xto and they told me the same thing that they were only going up to township 18 north..
that was chesapeake and xto that told me that
Yes, leases can be bought out. In fact, leases are routinely signed by "middlemen" who then turn around and sell them for a profit. I live in Northwood hills. I say we should all joing the North Caddo group. We can all negotiate through a single representative and get the best possible price. FYI, I am a local attorney, and I am trying to determine where north S'port/Blanchard fits into the desirability of acres sought to be acquired in the Haynesville shale.
Aye...I'm for it.
I too live in Blanchard, corner of Pinehill and Glenn Rd.
would appreciate any info. you obtain in our area. I'm also interested in organizing with a group in our area, without having to pay % of royalties. I have no problem sharing expenses for legal representation, ect.
I would also like to be included. I have an acre in Blanchard off Brandon Road, near Pinehill and Roy road.
We live in North Highlands and are wanting to get a group together. I did not know that there is already a North Caddo group. We would be very interested in getting involved with this. I have heard of people near Trinity Heights church that got $7500 and acre but not sure who the leasing agent is.
Hello everyone,

I just wanted to let you all know how impressed i am with this site and the wealth of info that is available here.
That being said let me tell you about my situation.

I live in the Southern Hills area of Shreveport and have been approached at my door by a representative of Eagle Oil and Gas (Fort Worth) and got a letter in the mail from JPD Oil and Gas (looks like a fly by night org. if you ask me).

We only have 1/2 acre and Eagle offered us 4000/acre and 20% royalty. Which breaks down to 2000 up front for us.
JPD wants to give us only 1000 for the lot (size not mentioned) and 20% royalty.

Haven't heard from Chesapeake or Petrohawk yet.

Have talked to some of my neighbors and they have agreed to not sign anything yet, until we get more offers and possibly play a couple of companies off each other to get to the best offer. Then we will get a lawyer to represent us and to try and bump it up even higher.

We understand that our small lots don't add up to much but by unifying we can have more of a say.

My buddy from Stonewall taught me that. He unified his neighbors and doubled the upfront money and got 10% more in royalties.

Just wanted to know if anyone else in Southern Hills has been approached by either of these two companies.

All my best.
Cinco is XTO -Roc Cosper
A few months ago before the announcement of the shale, I got a letter in the mail from a different company that was representing Chesapeake. I think it was called Clayton Industrial or something like that. I don't have it in front of me at the moment. Anyway, they offered us $200 acre for a three year lease. We live in Keithville, LA. I did not accept the offer because I didn't want anyone drilling in my backyard. Our next door neighbor did except the offer. I'm glad I didn't except the offer because I hear that it is higher. We have a meeting in our area on June 17th to discuss our options.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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