Hi All,

If you have a few moments, please share any info and projections if any for the Grizzlies DU #1H, Exxon/XTO (Haynesville Shale) Nac Co., YBARBO; (as opposed to the Grizzly in San Augustine County).

The Grizzlies DU pad site has to 2 big vertical tanks, 2 horizontal propane type tanks with an exhaust, and another station with a digital readout of 8.5 (as I recall) that appears connected to the new pipeline running east/west parallel to the pad.

I read earlier today on GHS that a well can produce but may not be completed. What does that mean?

I appreciate any and all comments!

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Becky, there are six wells permitted on the Longhorns Unit now.  One is drilled and completed and they are drilling the #4HB now.

Do you know the name of the first well or any details on it?

The first well was Longhorns DU #3H which ended up being reported as a vertical well instead of horizontal.  It had an IP of just over 2.00 MMcfd.

Division orders came in last week on Sun King.

Finished a few weeks before Grizz.

I'm showing how little I understand... wasn't the Texans well finished first in August? Will division orders be sent out for it before the grizzlies well?

Sun King is a Samson operated well and the others are XTO.  When division orders go out is more dependent on the complexity of the title on unit tracts than on the well completion schedule.  Some units are just messier and take longer to sort out.  

Thank you! We'll keep waiting... Thanks, too for the longhorn info. What unit is the sunking in?

Becky, it's the Sun King Gas Unit.  The well is Sun King GU 1H.  Any additional wells in the unit will also be named Sun King but with a different well number.

Oh. Does that mean all 6 of the permits in the longhorn unit will all be longhorn wells?
Are there more permits for the Sun King Gas Unit? Another question... I thought the Texans Du # 1 H and the Grizzlies DU # 1 H are right next to eachother. Are they both in the same unit? Thanks soooo much for any info!


Those wells are each the initial well in their own unit.  The name of the well is also the name of that unit.  Each well in a particular unit will have the same name as the first well but the well number will change.

Sun King #1H is the first well in the Sun King Gas Unit.  Texans DU #1H is the first well in the Texans Deep Unit (DU for short).  Grizzlies DU #1H is the first well in the Grizzlies Deep Unit.

If they permit multiple wells in the same unit (same well name, different number) they don't have to drill the #1 well first.  In the Longhorns DU they started with the #3 well.

Jffree1, Thank you! I am trying to understand what's going on where. I was told Grizzlies, Longhorns, and Aggies for unit names. Is there an Aggies unit, or should I have been told Texans and maybe I wouldn't be so confused. Thanks again!


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