"We're not asking for a handout for them," Glover said at a news conference. "We are asking for a hand up."

Glover bristled at the proposal being labeled a "bailout." He equated it to the loans provided to Chrysler in the late 1970s, which the company was able to repay.

Glover was among 35 leaders, many from Michigan, who visited members of Congress pleading for passage of the loan program in this week's lame-duck session of Congress."


Tags: bailout, cedric, glover

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What kind of car is swedish?
Does it come with ABBA music pre-programmed in?
Does it come with meatballs.
Volvo is the Swedish car, of course- not a bad ride all in all- doesn't seem to suit American tastes though- Also, I would like to say that I love my Kenmore dishwasher which performs flawlessly and has nothing to do with German engineering-On the other hand, I admire those BMW cars with their powerful motors, but then so did the Luftwaffe-you remember them-
Isn't Volvo the company that got fined because of the monster truck commercial?

By the way, I'm not making fun of your car, I like volvos.
Yes, the Volvo ad agency reinforced the roof of a Volvo, then ran a monster truck over the car- Voila!- the roof was so strong and "safe" that the truck couldn't crush it- but it was the adman's idea - My favorite news event was the exploding Chevy truck- courtesy of NBC news- they put incendiary rockets in the gas tank, blew up the truck, and filmed the whole thing, but forgot to tell the viewers that the whole thing was staged-
I may be wrong about it being volvo,

About 10-12 years ago they were doing adds to promote their safty record in crash tests. The did a tv spot/print ads where a monster truck drove over one of their cars along with the competition. Their car survived relativly intact.

It turned out reinforcing steel beams were added into the car to keep it from getting smushed.

Volvo claimed it was just trying to get a point across. (kinda like the Toyota commercials where the truck rolls down a mountain and drives off). They did have a fantastic crash test record.
Ford Motor Company owns Volvo!
Indeed they do, but it is still a Swedish car company-designed in Sweden, built in Sweden, etc-Ford is trying to unload it to raise a few Billion- no takers
Don't GM have a factory in Shreveport?
How many people are employed at the GM plant in Shreveport?
How many local businesses are tied into that plant in Shreveport?
If GM went under how many people in Caddo, Bossier and other parishs would be out of work? Including all of the automobile dealerships that Chrysler, Ford and GM has in the state....
The point that has been missed is that GM will be forced into banckruptcy if no bailout is approved.

GM will still operate. Yes, they may layoff workers. Yes, They may close plants.

These things will still happen either way as they restructure and try to regain profitability. The question is, do they restructure on the public dimes, or theirs.


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