I saw something looking a lot like an oil/gas well very close to the south bound lane of I49 about 10 miles south of Shreveport. What is it? And, if it is a gas well, wasn't there a new law passed about drilling a well that close to the interstate?

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For now, all that is required is to clearly show the location of all interstate highways on the location plat. The location plat is submitted with the permit.

The only reason the blowout was any real concern to I-10 was that it was an elevated portion of the highway. DOTD was concerned that heat from the fire could weaken the bridges. Temp sensors on the bridge showed that there was no immmediate threat, and inspections after the incident showed no damage.
It would be interesting to know what went into the decision to put it sooooo close to the road, and not have moved a little farther away. To me, it would be intuitive to do so. It must have been "forced" that close due to some legal, and/or boundary restrictions. Something like that would make a little sense to me. They must have had some good reasons, they are the pros' right?

Is it a HS well?
If you where the landowner where would you want the rig?
Inthe middle of your land, or on the edge?

Maybe its where the access roads already where.

When you look at the aerial photo with wells, bottom holes and bores, and sections lines on the SONRIS GIS system its completely obvious why they are where they are.
That because DOTD is a bunch of sissies.

Look at the GIS on Sonris, without the aerial photo the location makes perfect sense. Overlay the photo and there is the road. O, well lets drill!

If we followed your advice KB, there would be no drill sites.
I don't think thats true.
Most traffic acidents are at intersections.

Even though some intersections have tens of thousands of cars pass through a day, do we close the intersection to traffic forever because of a few wrecks????

How may gas wells have been drilled in the past fifty years?
How many blowouts?????

Do the math. Don't be a hyprocondriact. (sorry i can't spell)


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