Sorry for any false hopes. I will not post anymore unconfirmed rumors.

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Running title in Union and Columbia Counties is many more times difficult than Union Parish.... just saying

I'd say running separate mineral and surface title are equally as difficult as tracking large mineral servitudes created by timber and oil companies. At least running mineral fee you know what you have and don't have to speculate whether this well or that well interrupts prescription, etc etc.

Source of that information?

The Office of Conservation would likely be interested in that, if true, as SWN did not report it to the state.  I'll bring it to the attention of the staff at the District 6 office when I'm there next week. 

Precise figures from April sales of oil from the Garrett, to wit: 3816.99 barrels sold at a price of $114.076 per.

Thanks, Doug.

Anyone know if they have put this well back on line yet from the pressure buildup test?

I also remember that they ran production tubing to help flows in adddition to the shut in for this pressure build up test.


Their reported peak 24 hour flow rate was about 2500 barrels of frack fluid and oil(300 bbls of it oil) , plus 1.7mmcfd of 1250BTU gas. 55% of the frack fuid load had been recovered at the time of their report.

I haven't heard any recent news, but Mueller said at the Citi conference on June 6 that, just before shutting the well in for the pressure buildup, it was making about 250 barrels of oil and 200 barrels of water, and about 61% of the frac fluid had been recovered. He also said the low salinity of the water recovered indicated no fracking into the brine above or below the formation.

SWN sold 1,418 barrels of oil in May from the Garrett and got 112 bucks per
Does anyone know if the well is still shut in and whether they are building a pipeline?

SONRIS Lite still show the well as shut in, but there has been no report since 6/7/2012. I have contacts in the immediate area but little news seems to be getting out. I know that SWN was negotiating with some landowners about a pipeline ROW but don't know the current status of the pipeline. I don't think it has been completed, however.

I think they are still in negotiations with some of the landowners on ROW. I do know that they haven't started any clearing on a ROW.

Thanks Wayne. Please keep us up to date on this.



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