Just wondering if there is ANY activity( i.e. drilling, leasing etc...) in Nacogdoches Co. at the moment.  Whats going on with leases in that area?  Has anyone had a lease expire that wasnt renewed?  Just looking for any general information about the area...

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thanks--what's script cost annual rate?

Can anyone tell me anything about Bailey T G #1 H well? I received a division order today and I know nothing...Thought the mineral were leased to Encanta.

Thanks, Ellis Sowell

Ellis-- congratulation!! On getting your minerals in a producing well. Where is Bailey TG #1 located --survey name and # ? You could have been originally leased with Encana and they either JV with another operator for this well or sold your lease. What operator did you receive DO from? Any question you have about DO there should be contact phone # on DO for you to call. Make sure you understand all including correct decimal interest in well etc. before signing DO. Since you are a mineral royalty owner in well they should answer all your questions and tell all about well production etc.

Well is located in Remijio Totin Survey A-56. Nacogdoches County. Called Bailey T G #1H. Originall leased to EnCanta, but  division order came from EOG. I was not aware there was any activity there because lase was due to expire November, 2012.

Ellis Sowell

Can anyone point me toward getting information on the TG Bailey 1 H well? I have no information about the well except the name. Need more at the information site. Also if someone could explain again the information site. 

Thanks,  Ellis

Ellis--since I understand you have mineral interest in well you should have received owner number from EOG with DO. Therefore you are at liberty to call their Royalty Owner line give them your owner number and ask for and obtain information about the well

Thanks very much....I've been laboring over trying to access the Texas RRC lines and data bases without success. I'll try your way tomorrow.


If you have signed and return division order then well should I assume be in production and flowing to pipeline so you should receive check soon the check stub will tell you what the well produced for that month etc. if you get check at end of March it will be for January production and if well has been in production for several months your first check should include all production thru January but I would still call them for update

Remember, they owe the royalties from when the well started producing, and if their payments do not start promptly, then they owe you interest. You will have to ask for it, since they do not automatically just pay you what is owed under Texas law. But, most drillers will pay the interest once asked to do so.

Goodrich has a permit for well ( chappel )north of 103 on Nacalina just west of Etoile .I was down there this last week and the pad that was pit on some months ago is still there bit no rig'

We are getting a few calls about leasing South of Chireno, is anyone else? Seems like the title work is being done as we have received inquires on the same property. Just wanted to find out if anyone else is hearing anything in this area, thanks.

That's interesting. How far south, Nick? I know some people did have leases that expired when the gas price bottomed out.


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