There are multiple rumors about SWN and the brown dense, Im starting a discussion where all rumors are welcome.

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I agree with you wholeheartedly Tony. It seems that we have one or two incurable Cassandras in this discussion. By the way, who the heck is "willie"?

Has SWN announced this?

SWN or any other company wouldn't voluntarily announce these kind of problems!!

They are too busy shorting the stock and hiding from presentations. There apparently were not enough opportunities to hide things from prospective partners, the word was out before this rumor hit.

"SWN or any other company wouldn't voluntarily announce these kind of problems!!"

I respectfully disagree. SWN doesn't need the LSBD to make a profit, but what they do need is the trust of investors. They have no reason to hide what is going on with their LSBD wells and they will lose a lot of investors if it is discovered they have been dishonest about results so far. Current investors are buying/selling SWN stock based off of NG prices and not LSBD results. 

There is not an oil company on this planet that would voluntarily release these type of problems when they are trying to be attractive as possible in the BD. Besides the problems with the csg can be corrected.

"problems with the csg can be corrected"


Well that's good news.

I can believe that if SWN had problems with the casing in the Dean Alt well it would not be public knowledge yet. I do not believe this would have gone unreported in the Doles or BML. I think any casing problems would have to be mentioned in the scouting reports on SONRIS and reported to the state. SWN has been pretty transparent so far and I think they would have reported a recurring problem. North LA. is right about the stock as well.

Just check the perforated intervals if they are in the State report.  If they are in the report you will see skipped intervals that were due to "earthquakes" according to my source.  Maybe my source does not know what he is taking about but he was on location. 

Sorry Willie

If this kind of chatter continues, they will need to say something about it. It could become a credibility issue.

That is okay, Waylon.

"Skipped Intervals"? I don't understand? This problem sounds a lot like the trouble  Halcon had in the TMS Broadway well in Rapides Parish. Reports from the surface owners claimed their windows were rattling at times during the drilling of the horizontal. Mini Earthquakes? Kicks happen and I guess some would call them "Mini Earthquakes". That may be a good sign of high pressure gas. I would think this gas would be wet gas.

To the best of my knowledge there is no requirement for an operator to report mechanical problems in their periodic Scout Report.  Every completed and producing well should have a Final Completion report filed and included in the database.  The frac stages/perforated intervals would be listed on the second page.



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