I know this is repetitive, but the well has a name to use for production data references


04/06/13: SPUD. 04/07/13: SET 10-3/4" CASING @ 2047' W/ 708 SX. 04/08/13: TEST SHAFFER & CAMERON BOP'S TO 5000 PSI FOR 30 MINS. TEST OK.


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Maybe running tubing?

Thanks, LR.  Hope it's a good one.

The company's Sharp 22-22-1 #1 vertical well in Union Parish was drilled to a total vertical depth of 9,776 feet and is currently being completed with 4 planned stages. The company is encouraged by early flow rates from the first stage in the Sharp well which is currently producing approximately 125 barrels of condensate and 326 Mcf of gas per day.

That gas is pretty rich.

From the 8k

We have seen further encouragement in the completion of our eighth well, the Sharp vertical. The first stage we stimulated in the Sharp well is in the “lowest” part of the Brown Dense and is an interval that had not been tested in any of our previous wells. This interval seems to be more highly fractured than we’ve seen in previous sections. This interval of the well has been testing just over a week and it is continuing to increase in rate and flowing pressures, with rates over 125 barrels of 48-degree gravity oil per day and 326 Mcf of 1,275 Btu gas per day. We will likely stimulate and test the remaining 3 intervals of the well in the next few weeks.

We have also seen industry activity pick up across the area, as both public and private operators have requested drilling permits and two of five planned wells have been spud with the remainder planned for later this year and or early next.

Overall, we remain excited about the Brown Dense and will continue on with our work to unlock the commerciality of the play.

That sounds very encouraging for the Sharp vertical and for the Brown Dense in general. I wasn't able to listen to the teleconference today because of technical problems, so I hope a transcript will be available soon. Does anyone else have any interesting tidbits from today's webcast?

Obed, the only other thing I heard was SWN was happy with the flattening decline rate of the BML and Dean vertical. Sounds like the are done in the Bakken but they have not thrown in the towel on the LSBD. They actually sounded more positive than any other time.

Local paper stated that this well is producing over 125 barrels a day in the first stage of fracking.  It has 3 more stages to go.  Any insight on just how much this well will produce in it's final stage?

The Sharp IP is now entered in the SONRIS Lite well file.

COMP 03/21/14: OIL, LSMK RA SUA, 564 BOPD, 1089 MCFD, GOR 1.93/1, CK 14, GVTY 49.8, BWD 30, BS&W .025%, FP 2158, CP 1752, PERFS: 9174'-9668'.




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