Nabors Drilling #X17 reported Spud Date 8/25, 5 days Drilling Ahead @ 797', 8/29.

Link to SONRIS Well File:

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It's too soon for any production data to be available in the state database.  It may be mid-March before the partial December and January production is reported and entered in the database. After that there will be production reported each month.  Reporting is always about 45 days after the end of a particular month.

Thank you, Skip.

Hi Skip, we rode past the Verberne well and noticed another large structure, which resembles an oil rig but not as high.  Of course, it was all metal and noticed yellow trim up top.  Do you know what this is?  It was erected not far from the original site.  Thank you.

Approximately how far from the original site?  Is it on the pad?

Looks as though it might be 20 - 30 feet away from original site and does not appear to be on the pad.( not quite sure)  we were not able to drive that far in to study it much.  Thank you.

If it's 20 -30' away it should still be on the pad.  Without additional information it's hard to say.  Considering that the Verberne well is completed and producing my best guess would be that the smaller rig (if that's what it is) is setting the conductor casing for a future well.

conductor pipe 

The casing string that is usually put into the well first, particularly on land wells, to prevent the sides of the hole from caving into the wellbore. This casing, sometimes called drive pipe, is generally a short length and is sometimes driven into the ground. Conductor pipe is run because the shallow section of most wells onshore is drilled in unconsolidated sediment or soil rather than consolidated strata typically encountered deeper.

it looks like a casing string.  why would they put up another well?

Most pads are designed to accommodate multiple wells.  By drilling one well north and one well south operators can HBP two units.

I will keep my fingers crosed on The Verberne well  Thank you

 are in the Verbene unit.  Any idea when the royities willstart?

If they Drill SW of the Verberne they will get into TMS RA SU K  from the same well pad......The people that I know in that Unit will be happy to hear this if that is what they are doing.......I will have to take a ride around tomorrow and investigate....Maybe a photo tour....

No idea.



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