May he lead this great country with courage and wisdom.

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For us to find out where the money goes, the feds need to know whereit gos, I bet they don't have a clue where the money is going.
How does this instill confidence in Obama as our leader when he would approve something neither he or the people who were voting for it had even read? Would you just sign a note for something that your advisor had told you was 'what is needed' without even knowing what it paid for or how much it was actually going to cost? Only the government would expect praise for that.
I think we need to send a message to our leaders, if it doesn't work then start looking for another job. Clean the House.

Great idea, Robert.

Well, they've got until 2010 to show that it was worth it. If not, vote out everyone who voted for the stimulus package.
I am so what confused............ Where are the JOBS for the people who have lost them in this so called Stimulus Package..... All I know is that the 95% tax payers will be footing the bill on all of this and yes it will be a tax increase on the middle class, which is most of us.......... I am worried about the future of all of our children and grandchildren..... This will be a long long payout .
Problem is Shelley that so much of what was approved in the "stimulus bill" doesn't even come up for actual spending for two or three years. Now, whatdoes that tell you? Maybe that it's not really about doing anything to stimulate the economy now but to set up government handouts to be paid out close to the elections of 2010 and 2012. Is that a payoff for the Democratic candidates so they will be able to point to how they are bringing home the bacon about the same time as voters are trying to decide who to vote for? Probably.
Kathy Morgan has an ongoing blog about the changes to come in taxes. It's worth a look.
Just a reminder, Obama is a great orator, so was Hitler!
KB - How do you know that Jesus was a great orator?
If that was meant to be inflammatory I defer to John 3:17
Dont feed the hype.

If it were stated in true question form.... He turned water into wine. He walked on water. He caused the blind to see and made the lame to walk. But above all.........He loved.

He never lost an arguement or missed the opportunity to ,most of the time, gently deflate the erronious accusations made by those of great Biblical knowledge in that day.
This was usually done in parable form. Stories that make just as much, if not more, sense today then they did 2000 years ago.

So , in essence, Jesus was Captain of the debate team. And there has never been anyone that could challenge, with any degree of intellect, his abilities to speak. His written word, along with known history of those times, bares witness to that fact.
Jesus could never have been accused of being "oratorically challenged".
Have a good one. :-)
God works in mysterious ways, KB.
And He loves you even more then I do kid , if we can even fathom that. Cause you know how much I luv ya!
Now you done gone an' got all sweet and gooey Snake.
I sense a definite softening KB!



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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