May he lead this great country with courage and wisdom.

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You said it all. No one can add one jot or tittle to your response.
James (isn't that name familiar ... from the Bible?) We know by faith ... plain & simple ... oh ye of little of it. :0) sesport
I wouldn't compare Obama to Hitler.

He is, however, a dead ringer for P. T. Barnum.

Barnum said: "There's a sucker born ever mimute in this country (USA)"

53% of the people that voted in the last election prove Barnum's point.

Couldn't agree more! With Jay, that is. Nice, not so nice, don't really matter as long as its the truth. That $1 trillion tax increase is proof in the pudding!
I doubt "the masses are asses" applies here Jay. But nice try.
No, the masses aren't asses.

A combination of Bush fatigue, an incurious press and some seriously non-critical thinking by a majority of American's has set this country up for a tremendous tumble.

The producers, the people that pay taxes, create jobs; the entrepreneurs – a regrettably small per-cent age of Americans – are about to be severely punished for their success.

The really sad thing is that there are lots of people that are glad this is happening. Class envy, as practiced by Democrats, has infected lots of folks
No, not masses are asses. But it is a function of very simple math.

Under 40% of the people in this country supply over 60% of the tax revenue.

Now, the other 60% decided that they can get that 40% minority to pay more in taxes, so in essence, they voted themselves a raise at the expense of the "producers".

So, it was said many many years ago that this democratic republic would work just fine up and until the point where the majority realized that they could vote themselves a pay raise. Well, that's exactly what happened and I forecast possible the "effect" of the "cause/effect" outlined. NoBama campaigned on giving everyone making less than $250,000 a tax cut...i.e., a "raise". Guess how many people in America that includes? 60% +/-. So, those guys all went out and voted for the guy that promised them 'mo money! The raise! And the 40% or so that pay ZERO in income tax are really select. They get to vote on massive tax increases and they don't pay anything!!! What a country! Karl would be proud.
I am sure that the middle class will be hit after the 2% folks get it.. Theres no doubt that everyones taxes will be going up in the next one to two years EVERYONES!!!!!
Like what?
the simple truth is that if you taxed everyone making over $250,000 per year at 100%...took all of their money for that "spreadin' around", it wouldn't be enough to pay for all the crap that has been proposed. So, he'll definetly come looking for the rest of you! And remember that campaign "promise", that no tax increase for folks making under $250,000, well that, too, will be blowing in the wind. Again, what Obama says doesn't matter because he doesn't intend on backing it up. He's all show and no go!
Robert, perhaps you have me figured out. Perhaps not. I'm not near as Democratic as you may think. I vote for the best individual. Republican or Democrat. I identify with some idealogies from both sides. I am a royalty owner afterall. I also own and use firearms on a regular basis. Sounds Republican huh? But I also believe everyone should have access to decent healthcare and I'm not afraid or pissed off to help those that need it. And I will defend equality for all Americans with my last breath. Sounds Democratic doesn't it? As far as the misinformed and misguided name calling, that's fine. That and telling the 44th President of the United States to kiss off just offers everyone a window into your "intellect". Or lack thereof. Peace
Sorry, won't tell the 44th president to kiss off; Unlike the way many Dem's treated the 43rd president, I won't wish him ill will on a personal basis. I hope he is safe, well and lives a long healthy life. And I will eagerly await the 45th president!! I just that I hope the Obama social agenda (socialist agenda) is a huge failure. Duddo. Kuhplunk. Into the toilet bowl.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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