May he lead this great country with courage and wisdom.

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Know it all ehh?
Key word: "general" welfare. Unfortuantely, all I see is people focusing on the word "welfare". Don't think general welfare means giving people everything. Why not extend general welfare to mean give everyone a car, or give everyone free gasoline (cuz we gotta have it to get to work or to cash our general welfare checks). Or maybe we should give everyone everything! The general welfare clause is used by many to deny me many of my rights, such as the right keep my money or my guns.

So, sorry I don't buy that general welfare means I have to keep giving people things. How about that "woman" who, while having a house full of kids and NO JOB OR OTHER INCOME other than welfare, goes out and gets her self a fertility treatment and impregnated. Is that covered in the general welfare clause? How about for the general welfare, we take everyone with more than one kid and no source of income and force sterilization? I really wish they would think more about the general welfare. The poverty pimps have it set up such that it is incentivized for people to never ever work!
That's not fair KB. My husband and I would have been childless. Pssssssss dummies------His side of the family, definitely not mine!
We pay in nearly $8000.00 a year for our family health care. and hell we are middle class folks... I dont' wont't goverment heath care......... not what people thinks it is. not worth a S####.
Obama, I want a new Tahoe beacuse it will make me happy and I want a suburban for my wife. A free house so I can sleep better,and free healthcare. I really don't think I'll work anymore cause it makes me anxious. I will be in touch with the rest of the things I deserve after I eat my food paid for with food stamps. I feel liberated. AAHHH.

Oh yeah, I want a new bathroom added on.
I pay the same Shelley. I am grateful I have a job to afford it and I am even more grateful I have a need for family insurance.
KB... you are so right!!!!! We are in deep s###. I do fear what going to happen when all of our kids grow up and what they are faced with.
Robert, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on Mr. Obama. I can't sway you and you sure ain't gonna sway me. But I hope we can agree that the country needs to go in a better direction than it has for the last 8 years. I also feel I don't need the governments help but I feel we need government nonetheless. Just a bit less. Sorry if sounded a bit salty earlier. I do enjoy reading your "misguide and misinformed" posts. LOL! We are probably more alike than you can realize. Afterall, we have some of the same friends. Keep posting, I'll keep reading. have a good evening.
For those of you that don't have a puppy or a birdcage, and therefore don't take The Times. Here's my letter which appeared therein on Saturday.

Barack Obama, Mary Ladrieu and her fellow Democrat legislators now own the economy.

Republicans who in the past abandoned conservative principals share responsibility for the mess, but the Democrat’s blame game broken record will ring hollow as time passes because, you see, their stimulus spending package is going to fix things.

So what part of the trillion bucks do we get, and how is it divvied up?

The Times reported on Saturday that Louisiana will get $3.302 billion. The biggest slice, $1.995 billion, or 60% of the total, goes to people on public assistance. State “stabilization” will receive $717 million (isn’t it comforting to know the state will be stable) and $56 million will go to weatherization grants, a/k/a free money. Also, if you take the bus, count on a new ride because we are going to spend $77.3 millions on new ones.

What a deal. My children’s children’s children will be servicing this debt so that Democrat constituency groups can get greased.

And finally, $456 million goes to roads and bridges, which is 14% of the total. I’m sure I-49 will be finished in two or three years, right Senator Landrieu?

I hope this Democrat “porkulus” plan works. I’m worried that between it and the Fed’s easy money policies we are headed for an Obama inflationary spiral that will likely make Jimmy Carter’s “stagflation” seem like a mere hiccup.

Taxpayers, brace yourselves, we are landing in the Hudson. I just wish Sully was at the controls.
My children’s children’s children will be servicing this debt so that Democrat constituency groups can get greased.

And that is exactly what it is.
In my opinion the present Health care system is entirely broken.

There are the haves and the have nots and doesn't seem to be much in between.

Medicare and Medicaid are part of the problem as well as lack of responsibility by many individuals. How many supposedly healthy people do you know that are on Prozac and Zoloft and ever other concoction known to man. Our whole country is addicted to unhealthy medical care and the expense bleeds healthcare costs from useful treatments. (IMHO).

I for one am glad that Mr. Obama is going to work on these issues. It would be EASIER to pretend they are not there but he is addressing them. In my opinion this takes GUTS. But it is something important that needs to be addressed.
With the advent of Prozac, Rogaine and Viagra all the old men in this area are now Happy, Hairy, and Horney!!



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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