Notice I said associations not "coalition" I've been in contact with a lot of local neighborhood assocs.
all preacching the same thing..."power in numbers"

why haven't they formed a coalition? they must be close to each other [if not over-lapping] because I have been in contact with each one of them. I'm pretty sure ther are more groups that I havent been in contact with.
but the following groups I have:

North Shreve Landowners
North Highland
Sport-Blanchard Homeowners
North Lakewood Estates
Poleman Rd-Hwy 71
North Park Estates

talking about people need to join together....
Associations need to join together also.
P O W E R in numbers!!!

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So Ray, do something about it. Form a coalition that we would all want to be a part of.
I might have to become "Kassi" of North Caddo Parish. I had some encouraging events happen tonite.
Went to a meeting last nite at Trinity Baptist Church,there were about 800 people present. seems like a coaliton of three groups:finally a come together
but soon as the meeting started, they broke the group back down to different associations.
seems as though the North Highland Assoc. has a begining offer of $12,500 / 25% on the table. they will hold a meeting
Thrus. nite.
People in T19 R14 was to stick around...everybody else,thanks for coming....we had the numbers, but not the power
I also attended the meeting last night at Trinity Baptist Church. I also attended the meeting that was at Indian Hills Church held by Northpark Estates. I spoke on the phone with Kevin Terry, who is associated with Northpark Estates and the message that I got was that they really didn't care what section you were in as long as you were in T19 R14. At their meeting they did have a list of Section Organizers. My section is 33 and I was told that my Organizer was Gerald Kent. It sounds like they have the same idea, "coalition", just haven't called it that. It does make alot of sense to do this because there is "power in numbers". So Ray or "Kassi" should I say (lol), lets continue to get the word out to as many people as we can so we can be prepared when they come knocking on our door because alot of us haven't been contacted by any O&G company yet.
Well i am in T18 R14 S30 and i just want to find someone that is grouping people in my area...



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