EOG just completed a monster H Shale well in East Nacgodoches County Texas

Gammage # 1 H in North Chireno area Nacgodoches County was completed last week and is said to be monster of shale well equal to any in NE La. They premitted a 2nd well in same area the Hill # 1 H EOG is JV with Hk. This is about 7 miles South of Martinsville Texas. I would not be surprised to see these wells shut-in with NG $3 range until market improved to the $ 6-7 range

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Thanks Les, I tried to find that info on my own but couldn't get anywhere. Next time I will just ask you!
ALongview, I am glad to provide the info. If you want to look than try the following link. Specfications are under the "Gas Quality" link in the upper left and then select "Gas Quality Tariff Provisions".

UPDATE----Gammage #1 is on pipeline and flowing temporary thru one of Samson pipeline to sales until EOG/HK complete the pipeline north about 8 miles to tie into one of their own pipelines. Completing all the ROW contracts and will lay pipe in next few weeks. Info from EOG pipeline Landman Philip Watkins. Well is doing just fine without problems. So should find monthy production on RRC web site in about 2 months.
I never claimed to have any knowledge of this post or well. I made an assumption that a post was true. If you say it wasn't then my assumption was wrong. I'm sure the area is great.
adubu - where did you get this information?...... Gammage # 1 H in North Chireno area Nacgodoches County was completed last week and is said to be monster of shale well equal to any in NE La. They premitted a 2nd well in same area the Hill # 1 H EOG is JV with Hk. This is about 7 miles South of Martinsville Texas. I would not be surprised to see these wells shut-in with NG $3 range until market improved to the $ 6-7 range
I have been looking all over the internet and can not find anything on EOG's Gammage #1H. This is my first post so I am going to shot caution to the wind and hope I did this right.
info contact "tight lip" EOG post production faster that most to RRC---sorry you will just have to wait for confirmation to the RRC. You can call RRC office in Kigore,TX and ask they can confirm well premitted and spud date on the Gammage #1H--IP will be posted to RRC in few months after gas goes into pipeline for sale and monthly production there after. For example the Red River 877 Common Resouces/SWN 50/50 JV was completed late January 09 and it has production for Feb.09 of 161 mmcf for month Avg. 5.4 mmcf/day It IP tested at 7.2mmcf/day. This well is H Bossier shale well ~ 6-7 miles NNE of the Gammage #1H with only a 2700' H lateral leg. With longer lateral leg like the wells in North West LA. lateral are 5-6000' production in 877 Red River compare would be in same IP range 14-15 mmcf/day
Pg. 18 of the last Goodrich Petroleum presentation has a map of the Angelina River Trend and specifically shows the location of the Gammage well. There was another 11000' vertical permitted today in the survey to the North of the Gammage location.
Curiosity is getting the best of me, is there anyway to get info on a new well you own a mineral interest in or is it just sit and wait.
if you live around the well while it is being drilled and stop by the supervisor may share info with you if you tell him you have minerals in the unit; however, if they have "tight lip" you may have to sit and wait. After rig is off site and you see lots of water tanks coming in you know they have found gas and will then fac and produce the well. Then you want to see a pipeline build to the well. Then you will later get division order paper for you % royalty for payment to your "mailbox" @ month. Payment start per your lease aggreement.
The Gammage #1 Is Doing Very Well.
happy to hear because I think if I am right you have 100% of the minerals in this unit congratulations!!!!! Hope you have good lease terms and good % royalty. It would be nice if they would wait until NG prices got back up to $6 + before they sold gas into the pipeline.
is this well in tx


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