Eco Friendly Green Drilling Mud Replaces Oil Based Mud in Haynesville Shale Project

Eco Friendly Green Drilling Mud Replaces Oil Based Mud in Haynesville Shale Project
Rapid Energy Services announced the field application of its Quantum EF drilling mud in a Haynesville Shale drilling project. The Quantum EF uses plant derived ingredients and a water phase to replace diesel oil based muds. The Quantum EF is an eco friendly drilling mud engineered to replace oil based drilling mud. The Quantum EF residual on cuttings can be incorporated into local soil as a beneficial soil amendment. Our goal is supply oil and gas companies with a functional equivalent to diesel oil muds that provide improved performance and can be used in areas with strict environmental limits, Quantum EF is proving it can achieve this goal

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One step further, here's the test method for this product ...

"Quantum EF : 90% Biobased Carbon Content - Monday, May 04, 2009
Quantum EF drilling fluid analyzed under ASTM D6866 Method B : Biobased Content. The ASTM D6866 testing helps determine the overall carbon content of a product. It indicates the bio-based (renewable) carbon and fossil based (petrochemical) content within a particular chemical blend. In simple terms, the real value of this testing is to report the presence of petroleum hydrocarbon in a product.

The Quantum EF drilling fluid system's active ingredients as reported by third party testing to be 90% bio-based (renewable). This is one of the reasons the Quantum EF and Quantum EF coated particles are very biodegradable."

from a link withing your link

Thanks Pipeliner & best - :0)
Most mud is water based, mud that is oil based or vegitable oil based is used to drill formations that react with water, shales.



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