DENVER -- Gov. Bill Ritter and his energy office are teaming up with Clean Energy, a gas supplier, to apply for a $10 million federal grant to expand use of compressed natural gas for transportation fuel in Colorado.

The grant would help finance a $27.6 million plan to deploy 68 heavy-duty natural gas vehicles in key industry fleets and build five new compressed natural gas fueling stations in the state.

The governor's office says a vehicle using natural gas cuts carbon dioxide emissions by 30 percent and nearly eliminates such harmful pollution as sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxide and volatile organic compounds, which contribute to smog.

Colorado has 18 fueling stations that sell natural gas. The state is a major natural gas producer.


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I did some work at two ng processing plants north of Rifle, Co. last year. there was a lot going on up there.
Connell: Have some friends who have a ranch outside of Rifle - always liked going out to that part of the world.
beautiful up there...i would have to have a helicopter early morning commutes up highway 13 was sometimes more than I could bare. I would love to live in the beauty of those mountains though.

Just outside of Meeker, there is an Exxon plant on a remote site. was called out to there to do a standby Confined Space Rescue standby job for them. Talking to the hands there and found out that while they were doing the construction they uncovered an Indian Burial site just to the north west of it if i remember my bearings. The tribe who deeded Exxon the land had them fence it off and allowed them to move a bit further to the east.

Just thinking about the locations of these plants being so remote has to speak of the vastness of the find up there.
here are a couple of shots from the ng processing plant being built in june of '08 when I was working between Rifle and Meeker. This plant is surely on line now..
Connell, Thanks for for the pictures. Since I lived in Golden for 5 years it sure made me miss that part of the country.
The congess and leaders are slowwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Change we can believe in is an extremely slow process unless it is about redistribution of wealth.
Stimulating stimulus.
Someone please tell Mayor Cedric Blubber! Guess he's on Obama's Green Team?



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