720 Acre Units (+ or -) being Force Pooled by Encore Oper. in Greenwood

Please read the attached "Application For Public Hearing," written/submitted to the DOC by "Hargrove, Smelley, Strickland & Langley, et al (Law Corp.) on behalf of Encore Oper. Louisiana, LLC (successor in interest to Greystone O&G, LLP) (Applicant)...

Any comments on 720 acre units?????? That cross into multiple section lines? Read #4: "To propose that FUTURE WELLS drilled to the Haynesville Zone WITHIN OR OUTSIDE OF THE UNITS PROPOSED HEREIN be located 330ft. to any unit line and no closer than 660ft. to any well completed in,drilling to or for which a permit has been granted to drill to the Haynesville Zone..." WITHIN OR OUTSIDE OF THE UNITS??????

Am I just going nuts or what?????? Are these verticals or horizontals?????
Are mineral owners going to accept 720 acre (plus or minus) force pooled units HBP by vertical well drilling???????????????????????

Come on guys! What the heck is going on in Baton Rouge?????????????????

DrWAVeSport 8/14/08

Tags: DOC

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Could it have something to do with the fact that stateline (TX & LA) is right to the west of the unit?

What can be done, realistically, to change it if you have acreage in the unit? My sibling, a PE, says "nuthin."
I cant be sure by looking at this, but it does not appear that T16W, R16N, Sec 1 is affected by this. Can anyone confirm or deny?
I got that Baron but think of the guy who owns the 330' over the line they have made. He will see little if anything. They can effectively tie up other sections, since their proposal crosses the lines stop other drilling, etc. Why try to lease a section if you can't have the whole thing?

The goal is not to lease a section, but to lease the unit. Those outside these units will be included in other units down the line.

once again, look at the existing units in the cotton valley for these same sections. They are not "regular" units ethier. besides we have it easy, come down to South LA where the units are not geographic, but geological. Some of those look like a drunk ameoba.
Horizontal wells? And, those are the only ones that will produce the Mega Bucks that CHK and PK are TOUTING! Not Vertical ones!!! So...WITHIN OR OUTSIDE OR AROUND THE CORNER, OR IN AN UNLEASED PARTIALLY LEASED UNIT??????...WHERE ARE THEY GOING TO DRILL AND WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DRILL?????

This document is truly not justifiable as it stands! (imho)

DrWAVeSport CD1
Look at the proposed unit wells on the plat.

These will be the initial wells. Other wells in the unit will be alternate unit wells. The spacing will be determined by the state.

It does not matter what they intend to drill. A unit needs to be in place so they know who needs to be leased. without a unit they will simply be drilling leashold wells. It is to everyones advantage to have a declared unit.
Has anyone pointed out these are 1720 acre units? Or am I crazy
Next will be the 1920 acre Units Chesapeake is now putting in their lease forms.
Commish Welsh wasn't aware of o/g rtying to redefine the HS to be the lower Cotton Valley either. Just exactly what is Comm. Welsh aware of. I am still waiting for him to answer my question on why and to whose benefit and how much of a finanical impact that had on hbp landowners. I think he should be forced to answer our questions. How can we demand some answers? Anybody have any
What exactly are you saying- that Commissioner Welsh ONLY knows the day his paycheck comes in and that he has to put oil and gas in his car? Surely you not saying that is all of the qualifications that he has? I really don't know how to take your answer.
Anyone care to take a stab at the question about T16W, R16N, Sec 1? Sure would appreciate it!!


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