Seems the industry and community have taken reasonable precautions to accomplish this task near a South Bossier school.

from the article ...

"Petrohawk Energy officials have had many meetings with school officials to discuss noise prevention and dust control measures and a schedule for trucks coming in and out of the site to avoid peak school hours. Dunlap also noted that the company's 44 Haynesville Shale wells to date had not had an incident."

Working together to "git 'er done."

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Not nessesarily, There are no public hearings for drilling locations. Drilling locations are approved administravly in the permiting process.

Somtimes the unit well location will be annouced in hearing for forming a unit, but for lease wells and voluntary units there will be no public hearing at all.
In any case, thank you for the reminder of what has been going on in our area for so long. Just drive into oil city and see all the wellheads on the side of the road!!
Baron: That is especially true with that mess that Bossier City/Parish has created at Sligo Road and 71. It's gonna look like recess down there with all the traffic - new school, traffic light on 71 and no parkway opened or even under construction.
not to mention the bridge situation. Driven down Shreveport-Barksdale sucks!!

Don't even try to go from Clyde Fant northbound to bossier, get of at preston instead.
with all the open areas with no rigs or drilling going on ,and hundreds of acres under lease with no activitry, it seems pretty stupid or maybe just taking undully chances drilling in a location like that. I am glad I dont have any kids going to that school, A blow out or even a pipe line rupture could be disaterous.
Thanks for the reassurances, Electro. Yes, it's difficult for parents today to allow their children to run & play in neighborhoods & parks without some kind of supervision like once was done.

One thing that was mentioned in the article, or maybe newscast, was Petrohawk's safety record (so far). It does seem that they were trying to be very considerate by working with the local school board in planning this. Maybe next time, a school's parents could be included, too.

best - :0)
parker, You're right, it isn't nonsense. But I don't see Electro using that word in his post, nor that he's implying it. He's simply putting it into perspective in relation to other dangers by showing which are more likely to happen.

He clearly has more expertise & knowledge that "Everyday Joes," so we'll have to look to & trust some of the experts. Just like we have to trust that airline pilots will fly a plane we're on to get us where we're going.

Those with concerns will have to clearly identify them, but also trust that the school board's Risk Management department is on top of it. (Shcool boards do loathe lawsuits.) The concerned will also have to do their "due diligence" to ensure that the emergency plans for the children are more than adequate. And hold the operator's feet to the fire to uphold their promise that the riskier operations will take place when the school isn't occupied.

thanks for your thoughts :0)

That is one of the reasons that a site like this is useful, but don't forget that just because you have a certain expertise that others do as well.

I think that it is reasonable to discuss what the dangers are and what is being done about them. It is not nonsense for someone to have concerns. Just because I grew up in an era that didn't require seatbelts doesn't mean that it is not reasonable to wear them now.

The biggest concern that I have is how they will evacuate in a worst case scenario. You should always prepare for the absolute worst and then hope for the best. Hopefully that is what PetroHawk has done.
Maybe this will be the choice science project this year.
The_Baron - Okay, I now officially nominate you for shaler of the month. This link is worth waayyyy more than bonus money! lol Now, can we talk about how I can get my hands on some of those core samples, too? :0)
Happy Holidays! I check up on our site every once in awhile and the last posting I see from you all is in August. Has any more activity been noticed? We are still in the patience mode?


Sandy Ellison
They will start fracing the wells Wednesday.



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