I am new at this and have a question. I have been offered a paid-up lease. Terms : 425/ac bonus and 21%.
Lease also wants :

"lessor.......herein grants, leases and lets exclusively unto lessee the lands subject hereto for the purpose of investigating, exploring, prospecting, drilling and mining for and producing oil, gas (including all gases, liquid hydorcarbons and their respective constituent elements) AND all other minerals, (whether or not similar to those mentioned) and the exclusive right to conduct exploration, geologic and geophysical tests and surveys, injecting gas, water and other fluids and air into subsurace strata, establishing and utilizing facilities for the DISPOSITION OF SALT WATER, laying pipelines, housing its employees and building roads, tanks, power stations, telephone lines and other structures theron to produce, save, take care of, treat, transport, and own said products, ......

Also , I am to bear 21% of costs of treating oil to render it marketable pipeline oil or, bear 21% of trucking charges. With gas, I pay 21% of cost of all compression, treating, dehydrating and transporting costs incurred in marketing the gas sold at the well.

Also has a phrase that lessee shall have free use of oil, gas and water from said land in all operations which lessee may conduct hereunder, including water injection and secondary recovery operations and the royality on oil and gas shall be computed after deducting any so used.

Also states lessee has the right and power to all or any part or formation or strata of land.

The landman states this the standard lease.

Is this standard?

Tags: lease, question, term

Views: 141

Replies to This Discussion

you going to put your lease bonus in trust for your heirs that's nice. My kids will enjoy the mailbox income royalty for many years. As far as are they making more of this stuff well yes but it takes millions of years. They have not found all of it yet. Just think 10 years ago they thought we would run out of NG so LNG terminal build and then H drilling came along and shale gas could be productive and now we have 100+years of gas. who know what is next on tech development and discovery. If your minerals go unleased for twenty years that tell me the O&G operator feels your acres not in play. With that said I do wish you well and good luck with your decision.
the sky is falling, the sky is falling..... run and stick your head in the sand... the sky is falling !!! my mail box sees plenty of action adubu. do you really believe everything the O&G tells you ? do you also believe everything you read? you come across as if you have been brain washed. i could'nt agree more with a couple of your statements, but then a couple of them are really out there. if projections are so darn accurate how come no one saw the ".com" bubble or mabey if these projections are so accurate how come nobody saw the latest economic crisis coming? how bout the housing meltdown? nobody caught that on their crystal ball radar ? now really i made a ton of money on the dotcom crash, my job is 100% recession proof, and i am buying a foreclosed home for 50% appraised value. imho-
i will also make alot of money of my very few remaining acres that are not leased.
adam and i agree to disagree and perhaps you and i should too.
100% recession proof job??? must be working for gov. or silver spoon trust child?? No I am not brain washed,nor believe everything I read or believe everything the O&G people say. I am however member of Mensa Society. Since you are rich guy and don't need the money now or in the future "Good for You". I guess you want to be non-op WI with your acres and JV with the operator. Thats OK for you rich guys but don't give bad advise and let the little people miss out on good lease terms. Yep we can disagree and go on down the road. So wish you well. Will still keep you on my friends list!
ouch adubu, that's pointed... does'nt hurt though..... guess i'm bullet proof too. yes some things in life are not fair and make absolutly no sense. people like me , who gamble and take risks , sometimes end up at the top of the pile, and other times we end up 5 miles deep. there is no secret to speculation. why should the operators and the lease flippers get to make all the money. if one can afford to wait and has a very good nongovermental job, i can't imagine not speculating. that's how my hard drive is programed. wait and get paid !!!
does anyone involved in this discussion believe N/G will stay under $3.00 an mcf longer than ten years???
does anyone in this discussion believe there will not be a secondary land grab??? anybody heard of fort worth?
a good discussion has nothing to do with friend lists... imho
finally- i am not giving advice... these are my personal opinons and if i need to prepare a disclaimer to place with all of my postings... i can do that.
KJ I agree NG will not stay under $3. I do believe we witness a land grab bubble and will not see the bonus paid last year far a long long time if ever. I am also a speculator and maybe not as fortune as you have been. Yes lots to agree with and disagree with on discussion. I just don't want the small noninformed little old ladies get taken and miss out. I also recommend they consult with good attorney. I don't like the lease flipper thieves either, but sometimes they get struck with lease when bottom fell out last year. What is your 100% recession proof job if you do not object to me asking? Happy shaling and will bump heads again with you I am sure
i have chosen to deleat my post because i did not like the way it read . i will put my statements in a better form and repost here soon.
thank you.
My thoughts and insights come mostly from what I see everyday. I am obviously in the oil & gas business.

I work for a company that holds mineral interests across the U.S. We are a lot easier to deal with than 90% of the landowners out there. We dont ask for outrageous bonus prices and we dont request 10 page exhibits.

So to answer your question of "if it were my minerals..." I would have to say that I would have signed a long time ago. Probably way before the leasing boom.

As usual, its always a good time discussing this with you.

Best of luck.
thanks adam. i appreciate your perspectives and value your opinon. even though we do not share the same opinon i believe the discussion origanator should have the opprtunity to hear all sides and all opinons. that is what makes this website such a valuable resource.
Lawyer-up,...Also, remember that Chesapeake Energy's CEO was bragging to Wallstreet recently on how their average price per acre for leases in the H.S. is $6,000 per acre.
Dont trust a landman or a company man. They only focus on money, this focus is on money for them to make not you. Have an attorney review your terms and dont forget THE ECONOMY. These guys will take advantage of the jobless times in life to low-ball you for their benefit.
Like people said, this is boilerplate language....

Get Horizontal Pugh + Depth Clause and maybe an oil an gas only clause, and you are good to go.

You don't need an attorney. Make sure you read the Exhibits page, because it might already have some provisions in it that I'm talking about. 21% is OK, need to read in close. I've seen some lately where they are 20% for upper strata like James Lime and 25% for deeper stuff. This applies to primary term where I've seen this; make sure you get that depth clause, and you are OK. Take the quarter on deep rights if they drill them during primary term, but then you've got the depth clause to release them if not drilled.
a couple hundred under three seperate leases j . i am speculating on the few acres i have that are not leased. how bout you j ? you a speculator ? how many acres you got leased vs unleased ? i notice you claim to be from houston ? im in town.... wanna get together and talk timber??? lol


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