Help needed! I received something called a division order in the mail from Chesapeake Operating, Inc. I think it has something to do with royalty payments, they want me to give them my SS#, home and work phone numbers. Now here is the deal - I never signed anything with them!!! I have called them 4 times since Friday and they are not calling me back. I am trying to find a lawyer or at least somebody with knowledge of the law to look everything over. Cannot even find somebody to give me the time of day with out me having to pay them. Since I not been offered any lease, I have no money to do that!
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It would appear you are leased. Probally signed by the previous owner.
I haven't done any of this myself, but I read this on the internet, so it MUST be true. 8-) If I'm wrong, someone please provide the correct details.

You can go to the clerk of court at your parish courthouse and find if there are any mineral leases recorded on your property.

Find out as much information as possible about the legal description of your property. For Caddo parish, you can find your property tax info here and get your property description:

I've heard that the place to check leases is the Clerk of Court, not the Assessor's office.

I notice on mine, the tax assessor's information lists the wrong section because my subdivision spans 2 sections and it's listed based on the other section. Lots of the property stuff goes by township, range, and section, so you'll need that.
Thank you everybody for the help. I finally e-mailed Chesapeake and they gave the same info. Apparently this Division Order went into effect on 1/24/09. I asked why they waited until 9/9/09 to prepare and send it to me, they are claiming they actually prepared it 3 months before that. Claimed they would have a land man contact me on the lease.
Obviously the previous owner lied to me when she told me she NEVER signed anything on the mineral rights, located a lease that she signed on 7/31/06. I have been told that that lease was transfered to me when I purchased the property, hopefully it also means she is not going to be getting a penny out of the piddly little amount I will be receiving in royalties. (1/6th on 3.66 acres). Also located another lease that she had signed in 2001 with a different company.
BTW I am in Section 30-17N-11W. Property line on the DO states Muslow Oil 30-1. The unit acres is 627.920000
I would like to say thanks again to everybody for their input and help.

You may be pleasantly surprised at how much you can recieve out of that 1/6th lease (maybe not on this well, but after they drill you a horizonal well).

It's amazing that they didn't reserve the mineral rights.
He said he bought the land two years ago. That would have been before the shale boom.

Its also only 3 1/2 acres. Not enough acreage to change how you live too much.

His property is in Elm Grove. Even two years ago it was next to impossible to buy property where mineral rights weren't reserved.
This area is a little north of the good stuff. Looks like this section is a ton of dry holes and old wells.

It is just 3.5 acres. Most smaller landowners just weren't that sofisticated back then.
When you bought the land, you received the minerals. You are held to all leases, easements, right of ways, etc. The lease is binding, but you will receive all benefit of royalties and future rentals if any.

As to why it took so long to get the DO. The effective date is whenm the well started producing, the title opinoin and DO can take a while, especially when many small tracts are involved. I see from my maps that there is only one small subdivision, but the last information that CHK had would have been when they leased the previous owner.
Give me her name and i will run it real quick. I am online with Bossier and I can give you the recording info for her lease.
Great to hear it.

How did you find the leases? Clerk of court, search by name, etc.

This also shows that you should never believe anything the property owner tells you. Sometimes they lie, but I've found a lot of people really don't know.
She probally had no clue what she was signing.



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