welcome-invite all to join--lets start list of known wells and penetration of shale in Nacgodoches

County---please add to list--then can get comments and questions flowing---EOG is drilling in one of the hot area of Martinsville and North Chireno with the Gammage #1H--word is but not on RRC site is IP> 10mmcfd-confirmed by John Gammage who owns all the minerals in unit--Eog has premitted 3 more well in the area- Hill, Hassell,and Pop-Pop. Cabot in JV with XOM old Trawick Field Northern Nacgodoches County has drilled several vertical wells into shale-one of wells talked about in their conference call last year that IP at 3.3mmcfd-massive for vertical shae--all of these well are shut-in presently--all leases HBP prior TP wells so no reason to drill H wells and product with these low NG prices. Fossil Resources ans Samson may have tested shale in the Martinsville TP field. OK everyone add to list and get info you know---I have lots of interest in Martinsville area

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The Little Lease wells are a far ways away and NE from the EOG wells-by the shelby/nac line in Stockman-Garrison area
I also looked at the closest offset producers for ya--not great. So..they are either drilling them and then will wait to complete IF gas prices recover--or they are duds. I would think the second since they are driller elsewhere and completing wells.
Finally heard from O'Brien, they said they are sending out papers and that we will go on the "pay schedule" in March... all three of the wells show on the RRCT as 'shut-in' with 'un-perfed' completion still... I am wondering if they are waiting for Devon or someone to buy out the wells or run a pipeline by them? Anyone have any insight into what is up out there?
Sounds like they are ready to complete the wells. They could have been waiting on gas price, pipeline or any number (or combination) of things but why would you frac and test a well if you have no pipeline to put the gas in?
There are a number of wells in a five county area that are presently "un-perfed", awaiting completion in several different "fields" and I don't think this designation has any bearing on the productivity of an area.
How many acres are in unit gammage 1 How long does EOG have untill they have to file mmcfd with railroad comm
It looks like the unit designation filed shows unit=695.42 acres with 16 leases from mineral owners (can find @ www.texaslandrecords.com); All I know is that operator pay by 120 days of 1st production.
if the hill unit did 264 mmcfd in 3 months and it was drilled after gammage1. why hasnt anybody put any numbers out on gammage1.
Goodrich Lewis and Tucker-both VERTICAL wells- were carried under field name Naconiche Creek (haynesville)--different operator; the Goodrich Hill #1 -vertical well-carried in field name Naconiche Creek (Bossier) has produced from 2/09-7/09 312 MMCF and has declined to ~100 MCF/day reported in 7/2009. You got me regarding EOG...Have you contacted EOG? ask Gammage if he has been paid yet..
Devon Energy will drill the Barton Well No. 1H to 18,500 feet 6.6 miles north of Martinsville in the Naconiche Creek (Bossier) Field. It is in the W. Hill Survey, A-245 and may be drilled in the Naconiche Creek (Haynesville) Field, a wildcat field or the North Carthage (Bossier Shale) Field.
Finally heard something on Little Lease API #347-33055, 347-32992 or 347-33043 that were drilled by O'Brien (O'Benco), all three have been completed (unprefed completion) in Stockman. No updates on flow rates on any of the three or explanation of what 'unprefed completion' is. Statement is our first royalty checks will be mailed January/February 2010. Also, we have additional well(s) in process over in Shelby, Rusk, and San Augustine counties, so it appears things are starting to pop around East Texas.
Bill R, I believe "unperfed completion" means they have deferred the frac and completion to sales until later (probably) because of... gas price? waiting on gathering line? Who knows but Cabot commented in their 3Q that they have deferred completion on several wells until 2010. There are quite a few wells in E. Tx. like this.
The thing I wonder about is if everyone completes their deferred wells in the first quarter, won't this dump a lot more gas on the market and possibly push the price down further?
Jffree1... thank you!
I have sent three request to the RRCT and two to O'Brien asking for an explanation of that term and received no replies. Wow, if you are correct, then there are six wells out in East Texas (that I know of) in the unprefed condition or deferred completion stage that as you have said, could all come on line in the first quarter (which would make sense with the planned royalty payments). Those along with any additional would dump into a system that is already filled. So, how low can the price go and still be viable for these companies to drill and still make any money? I was told once that if gas went under $7 that it didn't pay, so how are they making anything now?


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