

Stonewall, LA

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)

    You sound like you have done this before!
  • Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)

    Are you planning on going? If you do go, you can be HaynesvilleShale's correspondent and blog about whatever stands out to you.
  • insomniacnla

    Hi Kassi,

    My name is Donna, I have 16 acres in Stonewall off of Linwood. I have read your comments in the Shreveport times and had wanted to get in contact with you concerning the lease activity in Stonewall. I was told that Collinswood Subd. landowner's signed for $7,500.00 per acre. I have been accessing the courthouse records in DeSoto Parish and Caddo Parish to get copies of these leases that show these high bonus offers. The companies are only recording a short version of the lease or they leave out just how much bonus money was paid. Do you know anyone that actually signed for a high figure. Rumors is all that I have been able to find.

    Thank you for your time,

  • TCB DS3

    What went on at the meeting tonight? If you are writing about it for this site I will read about it on the website so you do not have to respond to just me. Thanks TCB
  • Alton McMellon section 1, T15N-R14W

    kassi,thank you for the info. Thay did drill in my section, they went to a depth of 5,380 and hit nothing. It is my understanding that they are applying for a permit to go deeper. my contract will be gone over by an attorney on monday of next week. Again thank you for your response altonmcmellon@comcast.net
  • TCB DS3

    Hi, Kassi, if we get Chesapeake to lease at say $17K/27% and include the clause below we would be covered for any larger bonuses & royalty % that come in the future.

    This was number 4 on the list of clauses I email you that PetroHawk accepted already.

    It is called a FAVORED NATIONS clause.: "If at any time or times prior to a well being completed on the leased premises, or prior to a well being completed in any pooled or unitized units in which the leased premises are included, Lessee or its assigns shall obtain a lease from or make a contract with a mineral owner under the Leased Premises other than Lessor, then Lessor shall be entitled to any benefits paid for, granted or reserved in such lease or contract which are greater or more favorable than those paid for, granted or reserved in this lease. Lessee shall pay Lessor immediately Lessor’s prorate share of such benefit, including without limitation, bonus, royalty, rental or shut-in payment or any other benefit more favorable to such mineral owner than the payment for or the benefits of this lease. If necessary in the opinion of Lessor, then Lessee shall amend this lease to confer such benefits upon Lessor.

    Below are notes further explaining how to negotaite to get the landman to accept the clause.

    If the landman refuses to accept this clause (many will hem and haw about it,) at least get them to put in a "depth" clause (which they should be able to supply you.) A depth clause is fairly common and they shouldn’t balk at that. If they do, I’d be a little wary of leasing to them. Chesapeake will give you one I’m sure. Also ask them for a “no deductions” clause and a “shut-in” clause, which they should also supply you in the form of a “rider” that will be attached to the lease. These are all protective clauses for you and should be included in every lease you sign if possible." TCB
  • lanadan Ds3

    Kassi, I have 75 acres in Desoto Parish, sec. 20, 11n 15w. At this time, I am talking to a landman that works out of J W Porter's. The company is Honeycutt Hill (for Chesapeake). We are negotiating at this point. It now stands at 7500, 1/4, 3yrs.
    I am beginning to think that I may be better off joining a group like yours. Could you please tell me some of the basics, such as how much do the attorneys get? And when do you think this will gete kicked off?
  • msfva

    I'm with lanadan here - I'g getting more interested in negotiating as a group. Would you please provide me some details too? (I emailed you last week, but you didn't reply.) I have more land than lanadan, and would be glad to provide details in an email. Could you reply to my email? I can also put you in contact with a company that I've had very good dealings with -- they seem very willing to make good offers.
    Again, great job.
  • Gatorguy

    Kassi, do you have a name and contact info for XTO landman? I saw your post that they were offering $14,500 and acre w/ 1/4 royalty. Thank you.
  • Skye Taylor

    How much land and how many people are in your group so far? Who is your attorney? I might be interested in negotiating as a group. Please reply to my email addy here.
    Thanks Kassi.
  • TCB DS3

    I heard that Means in Mansfield is charging 3% to review leases etc. I have used him on succesion and other real estate work. He is slow but good. Just a suggestion. TCB
  • olddog573


    in an earlier post i seem to remember you saying that sabine would be going for 10-15 once some reports were issued this week. have they been issued? thanks.
  • Haughton Area


    The mineral rights inclusion contract, is that your own contract you used ?
    if so with what company ?
  • Snake Stewart

    Hey, I know you are super busy but I just wanted to drop you a line or two.You know me ,I am forever rambling. Just wanted to tell you how proud I am to know you, "Shale" wise anyway.You have helped thousands of people from all over the place and we are indebted to you more than you will ever know.From now on , anytime someone has a problem with a post of mine , I am going to send them straight to you.Because you are the reason that I know what I know about this Play and you are one of the reasons that I am so passionate about this. That being said,you must take full responsibility for my actions from here on out. HA! HA! That would certainly have been a full time job!

    If there is anything that I can do , please don't hesitate to call. Again, Thank you from the bottom of my heart and may God continue to richly bless you!
  • Haughton Area

    Thanks for the info,,,im sure we all need something to start with...thanks again
  • lanadan Ds3

    What is the latest activity with your lanowner's group. Have you gotten any offers yet. Will the information that has come out this week from Petrohawk and Chesapeake make the land more valuable? How much longer would a landowner have to wait if they joyned your group to get the deal finalized? Are you talking weeks or months?
  • Gatorguy

    Kassi, you made a comment that said if you are in North DeSoto or South Caddo you should not settle for anything less than $20K an acre, This is where our 20 acres is at. Do you think this is a good spot for leasing? We have had multiple offers and are still waiting
  • Gatorguy

    Thanks for the advice. Patience has helped us thus far. We are working with our neigbor to give us more bargaining power. Have you lease your land yet?
  • Gatorguy

    How many people are in your group that make up 150 acres?
  • Gatorguy

    How close does our property have to be to yours to join? Do they have to be connected? Delete Comment
  • Gatorguy

    our property is on the border of Keithville and Shreveport, at the South end of Kingson Hwy
  • TCB DS3

    Kassi, please send me your email. I am out of town and not on my computer so I do not have your email. Please send it to me. thanks TCB
  • Haughton Area

    Just sent you an email on you Aol account.
  • Skyfroging

    may I ask you something ?
  • Skyfroging

    are those addendums you added to your lease on the bottom of the main page ? If so , were they accepted ?
  • Teresa Driskell

    Hi, I am totally lost, we missed the first meeting that was at the Stonewall library due to prior commitment. We live in North DeSoto Estates and don't know where to begin to find out any info. I would welcome any help or advice you can give.
  • Skyfroging

    hey Kassi, i was wondering if those were your addendums on the main page and were they all accepted like you wront them ?

    thanks , Tony
  • Skyfroging

    Thank you very much... I think we are about ready..We have signed a intent letter and they are finishing up on the title check...
  • John

    So are you a landman or something? I see you on the news and you seem to know so much. You must have a PLM degree?
  • Coonman

    you must have signed you havent been around?
  • Skyfroging

    Hey Kassi...You seem very knowledgable about all this and I would like to ask you something else if I could ...Reply if it's ok..

  • insomniacnla

    Hey Kassi,

    I hope that everything is going great for you. I got those lease clauses posted on the blog on my page. I did not know how to post it where Haynesville wanted but, at least it is on here somewhere!

    I have a few more (3 pages) of clauses for leases where the surface rights are also leased. I will get those to you also if you want.

    Good Luck this week, I hope you get $1,000,000!!! LOL
  • Sue

    I live in North Bossier and got an offer for 8,500 per acre from Red River LLC. They sent me a sample lease. Could you please send me a copy of a good lease. I have printed out your Surface Rights Items for Negotiation and Mineral LEase Items for Inclusion. I only have one acre. It is a lot to take in...... I really do appreciate all you are doing for Shreveport and Bossier. May God Bless You!!!!!
  • Mom A1

    I know you are very sharp and helping loads of people negotiate their leases. I think you are doing it for the right reasons. Can you tell me if there is anyone that you know of that can help me find out if my production matches my royalties?? I've called so many people already. Running out of options.
  • Mom A1

    Yes, it's still producing after all this time. Last check was almost pointless to receive. I couldn't even take my 2 kids to McDonalds on the amount of that check 9 months ago!
  • Kassi

    Hey, email me @ kassi205@aol.com and I will give you my number. I think there may be something that can be done
  • Skyfroging

    I guess my question to you is what can be wrong with a title ? We have already signed our lease and now they are doing the title and seems it is taking so long... They said because we put a no warranty clause in it they will search it very well now... If something were wrong which i have no idea of...can it be fixed ...or will they reject it ?

    thanks Kassi and sorry for taking so long to get back with you...
  • Sue

    I am going to ask for 20,000 per acre. What do you think I should ask for?
  • Skyfroging

    thank you...I just want it to move fast....lol and I have a hard time waiting ... it's been almost 2 weeks we signed and I am just so ready for the transaction ....

    thanks again for your help...
  • Skyfroging

    Oh, one thing i forgot to tell you is that we have already leased our minerals out one time before...that lease expired 2 yrs ago...

  • carol

    Hi Kassi,
    I live in Section 30 and i have had one offer so far for $5500 from twin cities i am waiting on more places to make offers hopefully :o) i was wanting to find out if i can also get a copy of a good lease. I am new to all of this and am pretty overwhelmed but i want to make the right decision. Thank you.
    My email is dcepatton@comcast.net

  • carol

    Township 18 Range 14
  • easttexas12

    That guy claims to be a landman from Smith county (next door to Rusk county lol) and doesn't know basic facts? Thats crap lol
  • Katy

    Have you heard anything about Section 34,T12N-R13W. Also, we would be interested to know the name of the hourly attorney you have found. So far, our biggest offer has been $8500 for 40 acres, but a neighbor already has been offered twice that.
  • sesport

    There's a discussion currently going on over on the main board re. environmental issues (see Guardian ...). Do you have any idea whether the S'port, Bossier, or parish officials will be appointing a task force to monitor issues as they arise?
    Thanks for all your help & sharing your wealth of knowledge.
  • Moe

    Are you just representing in S'port or do you venture into Bossier parish??
  • nisie, not a happy camper landowner

    Pot luck great idea. Hope ya'll do well in negotiations.
    I came to the first meeting in Stonewall. I'm waiting for landowner is South Caddo to complete his lease so I can get mine.
  • Moe

    What are your fees for representation?
  • Moe

    Sounds extremely reasonable. Can I off-site email you with other questions?
  • Sinkmaker


    Would you recommend that the a group of landowners should not only negotiate price per acre but also nego. Exhibit A and lease terms? If you signed an agreement to lease (not the actual lease but an agreement to lease that specifies amount per acre and length) couldn't/wouldn't you lose some of your bargaining? Thanks,