Brown dense......leasing activity Union County,Union Parish.....EOG


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This is a post being sent to anyone having info on a shale fprmation called brown dense. There is a company called PINE bELT WHO IS RUMORED TO BE LEASING
several 300 to 400,000 acres in two counties in Ark. and one ....Union Parish ,La.
Is anyone selling leases?? If so ,what is the going rate?
EOG is spin-off to the old Enron company.
This lease asctivity seems to on a hush-hush basis.
Does anyone think this might be as big as any of the other shale plays? Jim B.

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Skip, Les B, Barron & others, thanks for your info shared with the rest of us. Isn't life great!! The Haynesville Shale, Brown Dense, TMS and Austin Chalk, all in Central and North Louisiana, these will keep us all searching for all the info we can get. On that note, what is ya'lls thoughts on Brown Dense being in Claiborne Parish Townships 23 & 22 North, Range 8 West and northern Townships in Webster Parish.

Go Tigers!!!!


We will know more when SWN drills its Claiborne Parish BD horizontal well.  Just as with the Haynesville Play it is unlikely that all the wider SMK area will prove productive.  There will be BD boundaries and sweet spots which only drilling can confirm.  GO TIGERS!
Skip:  Where in Claiborne is this well?  Tks.

Not yet permitted, but forming a unit in Sections 6&7 23N-5W.


section 6 is a fractional section

Buddy, it's technically not a well until it is permitted.  T. S. Dudley formed a unit that will likely get a well in the near future.  Their unit application is for partial Section 6 and full Section-7 - 23N - 5W.

Time will tell, the TS Dudley unit in Claiborne will be a good one to watch. The Weiser-Brown and Sklar wells in Union Parish seemed to not deter future drilling despite their poor results (they were vertical wells, perhaps they need a horizontal, or maybe they were intentionaly made to look poor so the could do more planning and leasing)

Let's watch and see how the EOG Endsley well near Gin City and the Etoco Missionary Lake wells come into this picture. The Etoco Wells were permitted as Cotton Valley wells, but went to a vertical depth of 10,000 - 10,300 fee before having short horizontal laterals. The Haynesville in in the shallow 9000s near Hosston, so these wells would seem to have reached into the Smackover.There was some oil production, but nothing great. 


Will EOG react to SWN's disclosure on the earnings release on Friday August 5th?

I have seen EOG and other operators bantered about a lot as having interest in the Brown Dense- Is this speculation or has it been confirmed?- I didn't think any bigger operators other than SWN had disclosed it publicly but I wasn't sure if some of the knowledgeable folks on  on this site had made links to other companies that might be building a position-
As Cecilia said above, EOG was apparently the E&P company behind the Endsley well in Lafayette County, AR, which has not produced. However, as recently reported on this GHS site, EOG then apparently transferred their interests to SWN (through Triad and Pinebelt). I would not be surprised, though, if EOG retained some working interest, and I imagine they are following SWN's current activity with intense interest.

EOG may have just sandbagged the play after their poor well.


I am sure they kept a hefty override, if not some wi.

SWN has begun paying for the options on the original three year leases that were taken by Border (EOG) in July, 2008 in Lafayette County, Arkansas. Circuit Clerk's vault in Lafayette County overflowing for the first two days of the week with out of state landmen and women.
probally checking title on leases they already have,



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