Does anyone happen to know if there are any Austin Chalk Fields in Mississippi?

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When we were leasing back in the 1990's the talk  was  that the chalk went all the way to Alabama. I have no idea if it was ever drilled outside of Louisisna and Texas.


Yes, the chalk goes into MS. Actually the other name for the Austin Chalk is the Selma Chalk. It outcrops at Selma Alabama on the East much the same as it does at Austin TX. That's how it gets its name. If you are on I-55 going toward Tuscaloosa you will pass an area where there are white bolders. That is the Chalk on the surface. So anything South of there would have Chalk possibilities. That includes Mississippi, Alabama  and Florida. But to be productive for O&G it would have to have naturally occurring fractures and have accumulated O&G. Don't know if its ever been proven outside of LA and TX though.

Does anyone happen to know if there are any Austin Chalk Fields in Mississippi?

I know of four wells now being drilled in Adams Co. Mississippi. 

ARMSTRONG, ET AL 21H 1 2300123456
GWIN ET AL 3H 1 2300123451
PINTARD 17H 1 2300123447

WASHINGTON ET AL 25H 1 2300123457

They are being drilled by MS Onshore LLC, which may be Energy XXI

I believe Denbury has an EOR project somewhere in South MS that produces from the "Selma Chalk."



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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