I heard today that Encana, which already has a small satellite ofc on Misslebase Rd is expanding that office and moving more rigs in to work northern part of Desoto. Has anyone else heard this

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I heard a few more rigs are coming in to our area but don't know the exact numbers.

Where Misslebase road connects to Stonewall/Fierson is where I got my 1st ticket at age 15........86 in a 35....LOL.....and I'm still getting them.
WOW! You were a speedy kid! I heard 8 more rigs were moving in here. That is a lot to work one area. Also the ofc. expansion on Missle Base is supposed to involve several more buildings, so me thinks something is up. . Encana already has an ofc. in Coushatta which isn't that far. It is interesting that they would want another one up here.
Can't help but comment-- My brother's best friend was killed in a head-on at the top of Missle base hill--intersection of Stonewall-Frierson and Missle Base Road- by an idiot driving about 86 MPH ! Driving that speed on that road is not funny to a lot of locals
18 years ago....take your meds.
Thomas, that whole area of Stonewall Frierson Rd. from Mansfield Rd. west to I-49 is a death trap. I hate driving it at night. If someone crosses the yellow line (which I have had happen), there is no where to go-- no shoulders, just trees. If a deer runs out in front, it would be difficult to stop. I try to drive 45 mph max on it at night. When we are young, we think we are invincible and do not think of the consequences of driving fast. I am sure a lot of us did this. I know I did. When we get older, we realize the consequences of those actions. My condolences to you and your brother. The pain from the loss of friends & family stays with us a lifetime
Thanks ,but I over-reacted and have made peace with Parkdota ,- maybe I should just "take my meds"! I promise to only talk O & G on this page from now on
That's cool. Guess so many of us are from that area, that it is hard sometimes not to feel like family (even though we probably are).
I have a little property on the northern end of Missile Base Rd that was leased in 2006. Camterra just completed a Hosston well behind my place. Sure wish it was Encana!
Encana has been drilling from Stonewall - Frierson Rd to Ranchland acres ( just N of Grand Cane ) for about a year - at least 8 completed and at least that many locations built waiting on rigs as well as running pipelines everywhere They are now building mega locations on Jackson Davis and Long property south of Red Bluff Road
With more rigs and expanded offices moving in, one would assume they are going to do more drilling in that area
At one point in time I proposed that Encana would target those areas due to low entry costs, pipeline locations, proposed pipeline locations, less land owners per section to deal with, available water, and other cost savings measures. I don't know much about oil/gas but I thought about it from a simply economic standpoint as most businesses cut cost and/or target cost savings during tough times like our current recession. It appears like operators are targeting these areas. In 14n 14w I've noticed that one full year decline rates are roughly only 71%-80% with the average being around 75% whereas the HA play was estimated to be around 81% for 1st year declines. That along with operator comments pertaining to ease of drill in these areas also makes it more attractive from a ROI standpoint.
Obviously, Encana had a plan long before the frenzied leasing started. In a lot of sections of 14/14, leases were secured prior to the announcement of the Haynesville. Also southern parts of 15/14 are also heavily represented by Encana. Makes one respect their business acumen.


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