I see where they are selling just under 100,000 acres in Harrison, Panola, Northern Caddo and Northern Bossier.

Tags: Acreage, Chesapeake, Core, Plains, Selling, and, of, outside

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Could 11 15 in Desoto Parish possibly be a high fault area as to the number of low producing wells such as Sec 19 or 20 or just poor frac jobs. Two miles down the road in Sec 27 that one came in 14.8 mcfd.
I suspect less than optimal frac designs. The Petrohawk well drilling in Section 1 may provide a little insight. In the meantime I suggest that you use SONRIS to conduct a two or three-deep section search around the perimeter of the township to compare proximal IPs.
Jay, how about sending me a map of the doomed land. I have acreage in 19n.

thanks , h.p. bryant

What do you think about Chesapeake saying that they plan to add 100,000 acre in the Barnett?
Jay, would you send me a map of the "doomed land" also. I have acreage above 18 n. lmwhitten@aol.com
Jay - Would you please send me a map of the "doomed land" also.


Thanks for all of your help - Greatly appreciated!!!
Parker, the targetted 100,000 acres lies within the highly economic Tier 1 part of the play. The acreage is scattered throughout the greater Ft Worth urban are and likely consists of thousands of very small tracts. As you recall, Chesapeake and XTO were the only two companies that would tackle this urban leasing.
Please send map to john@delmarus.com. We have land 18N-11W-20
pls add me to the list..Liamtoh72@hotmail.com......we have land in 18N-15w-24.
Hi - Please send to pookhawk@sbcglobal.net - don't know why the other did not arrive - thanks!
Jay, can you email a copy to me @ kcoxmd1@pacbell.net? We have land in Harrison and Panola counties in TX.


All the more reason to learn the basics of leasing and how the energy companies operate. Knowledge is power. You've already learned that the location of your mineral tract isn't necessarily a preferred well location just because it's the only dry ground in the vicinity.


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